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Mama J, Taylor, CJ And Trey. Are Currently In Chris's Room. They Still Don't Know What's Wrong With Jennifer Its Been 3 Hours Since She's Been Taken To An Emergency Room And No One Tells Them Anything... The Doctor Told Them They Could Wait In Chris's Room...

Speaking Of Chris, He's Okay And Is Wide Awake Its Like He Was Never Even Sick, He's Busy Talkin To CJ And Trey While His Mom And Taylor Are Also Having Their Own Conversion..

"Where's Jennifer?" He Asked Out Of The Blue

"Nigga... I Was Still Tellin You About this New Club I Went To" CJ Said.

Chris Chuckled "Dang, What About It?"

"Its A Place To Be Bruh, Everybody Goes There. I'm Talking Gangstas With Big Names And Shit!"

"Man That Shit Sounds Dangerous" Trey Shook His Head

"Well Not Really, Its Absolutely Safe And Those Gangstas Don't Intimidate Me, Some Of Them Are Like My Friends They Make Me Feel Like One Of Them" CJ Said.

"You're An Adrenaline Junkie" Chris Said Chuckling.

"Whatever, Did I Mention Them Hoes? Man They Got Big Ass And-"

"Mind Your Language Big Head." Mama J Warned.

CJ Chuckled "My Bad Mama J....But Like I Was Sayin This New Club Is Always Banging, I Gotta Give It To The Owner"

Chris Laughed Shaking His Head "I Ain't Tryna Hear All That, Where My Girl At?"

"Man Is This Pillow Okay? I Can Get You Another One." Trey Said Touching His Pillows And Chris Frowned Sitting Strait Up.

"Why Y'all Dodging My Question?" He Asked In A Serious Face.


"Mama Where's Jennifer?" He Asked Getting Impatient.

"She's... Uhm... Son I Think You Should Just Rest Now, You Look Tired." Mama J Replied.

"I'm Not Gonna Ask Again, Where The Fuck Is My Fiancé?" He Raised His Voice.

Trey Sighed "She's In ICU"

Chris Frowned "What? What The Fuck Happened?"

"She Just Started Bleeding And Then Fainted." Taylor Replied.

Chris Looked At The Four Of Them And Tried To Get Out Of The Bed..

"Man Stop, Where You Goin?" CJ And Trey Grabbed Him Tryna Keep Him In The Bed.

"Chris! Stop You Gonna Hurt Yourself."

"I Don't Care, I'm Gon Walk Out That Door And Go See Her"

"Chris Calm Down Okay?" Taylor Spoke But Chris Wasn't Having That.

"Y'all Niggas Better Let Go Of Me." He Yelled Trying To Get Out Of Their Grip.  He Managed To Push Them Off Him And Got Out The Bed. He Was Wearing Sweats Under The Hospital Gown.

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