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I Walked Downstairs Hearing A Doorbell Ring, I Yawned And Took My Time Walking Down Those Starts So That I Didn't Fall.. It Was Like 4 In The Afternoon I Had Just Woke Up From My Nap. Chris Was Busy Annoying Me Before I Fell Asleep, But He Wasn't In The Room When I Woke Up.

I Stopped Goin To Work When I Was 7 Months Pregnant Chris Made Sure Of It, This Is My Last Month, I'm 9 Months Along Now. I Was Supposed To Give Birth Like 2 Days Ago But It Didn't Happen I Don't Know Why. My Doctor Said If It Doesn't Happen This Week They'll Perform A C-Section That Shit Scares TF Out Of Me Me.

So Anyway I Opened The Door And Saw Trey And August Standing There.

I Smiled "Hey Guys.."

"Wassup Ma." August Hugged Me Walking In. "How's My Niece And Nephew.?" He Asked Kissing My Stomach.

"Bruh They're Tiring Me, I Can't Wait To Get Them Out. They Kick Me All The Time!" I Sighed Deeply.

Aug Chuckled "Be Patient Now, They'll Come When They're Ready."

Trey Laughed Lightly "True... How You Doin Babe?" He Hugged Me.

"I'm Good Hun." I Smiled. We Walked To The Living Room And They Sat Down.

"Can I Get Y'all Anything To Drink?" I Asked

"Naw, I'm Good Thanks." Trey Shook His Head.

"I'm Good Too.... Is Chris Home?" August Asked.

"He Should Be Around The House Somewhere.... Lemme Go Check." I Struggled To Get Up And August Helped Me.

I Walked Upstairs Callin Chris's Name And There Was No Reply.... I Then Remembered That He Spends A Lot Of Time In The Nursery Lately, We Got Done Decorating It A Week Ago It's Cream White And Light Pink Colours On The Walls... It's Really Beautiful.

When I Made It To The Nursery, I Found Chris Fast Asleep On The Rocking Chair, It Wasn't Even The First Time He Did That. He Loves Falling Asleep There. I Laughed And Shook His Knee

"Baby?" I Shook Him. He Didn't Budge. I Was About To Shake Him Again But I Felt This Sudden Pain In My Stomach, I Ignored It But It Came Back Again And This Time It Made Me Gasp A Little.

"Oww.. C-Chris!" I Shook Him.

"Huh?" He Whined.

"Wake Up. We Have A Lil Problem Here" I Said Rubbing Circles On My Stomach As The Pain Got Stronger.

Chris Just Snored, Like Really!

"Nigga, Wake The Fuck Up I'm About To Have Your Babies." I Yelled At Him And He Opened His Eyes Quickly Gettin Up.

"What Did You Just Say?" He Rubbed His Eyes.

"You Heard Me, I Think I'm Goin Into Labour" I Hissed. He Grabbed My Right Hand And Rubbed My Belly With His Other Hand.

"...Are You Sure?" He Asked And I Glared At Him, God Keep Me From Slapping His Ass Today. My Water Broke Before I Could Answer Him And He Widened His Eyes.

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