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Everyone Is In The Waiting Room, Waiting To Hear Some News About Chris. His Mom Joyce, CJ, Trey, Brandon, August, Jennifer, Taylor And Diggy... John Couldn't Make It Because He's In A Business Trip.

"What Really Happened To My Son?!" Mama J Asked.

"He... He's Been Tellin Us About His Painful Belly For The Past 3 Days And-" Taylor Said And Jen Cut Her Off.

"I Just Found Him Lying On The Couch Struggling Breathe." She Cried. "He Was Sweating And He Said His Belly Was Burning Up Inside." She Explained. 

"Oh My God!" Mama J Whispered.

"Dis Sum Real Shit, Chris Was In This Very Same Hospital Weeks Ago And He's Here Again! This Some Voodoo Shit." August Said.

"Someone's Behind All Of This." CJ Said Glaring At Taylor. "Someone's Tryna Kill Him I Can Feel It."

"What Do You Mean CJ? You Know Sumn We Don't?" Trey Asked Raising His Brows .

"Y'all Stupid? These Things Were Not Happening Before Chris Started Dating Jennifer." He Added.

Jen Rubbed Her Stomach As A Slight Pain Suddenly Attaked Her So You Sayin I Caused This?

"No! Of Course Not, I'm Just Sayin....Someone Else Did, The Person Who's Against You And Chris' Relationship. The Very Same Person Who Hired A Hoe To Come Between Y'all." He Looked At Taylor. "See This Person Would Do Anything To Keep Y'all Apart."

Jen Kept Rubbing Her Stomach Cause There Was A Lot Of Pain Inside, She Was Also Feelin Weak And She Was Wet As Shit From Sweating,

"You Could Be Right, First It Was The Accident, Then Someone Tried To Shoot Him. Now This." August Spoke.

Exactly!! I Think This Woman Should Just Get Out Of Here." CJ Said Pointing At Taylor.

"Excuse Me!" Taylor Asked.

"You Heard Me, You The One Who Poisoned Chris Aren't You?p?"

"Whoa! CJ, Are You High Or Sumn?" Jen Asked.

"No I'm Not... I Just Don't Trust This Old Witch That's All." He Shrugged.  

"Nigga....This My Aunt You Talkin About. You Might Wanna Watch Your Fuckin Mouth.." Diggy Said.

"Or What? Huh? What You Gon Do? My Fuckin Friend Is Lying In There Because Of This Evil Bitch." CJ Yelled.

"Say One More Word And Imma Punch You Right In Your Mouth." Diggy Threatened.

"Homeboy I Ain't Scared Of Your Ass." CJ Chuckled.

"Stop! Stop It, My Son Is In There Fighting For His Life And Y'all Out Here Fighting Like Cat And Dog! I Can't Even Hear Myself Thinkin" Mama J Yelled At Them And They Looked Down.

"I'm Gonna Go To The Bathroom." Taylor Said Walking Away. On Her Way To The Toilet She Bumped Into Chris's Doctor

"Hey Doc.."

"Good Evening Miss....?" Doctor Steven Said.

"Mrs Howard..... Uhm, I'm Chris's Aunt Is He Gonna Be Okay?"

"I Was On The Way To Tell His Family But Since You Here I'll Tell You And You'll Pass The Message... I Know I Should Tell Them Myself But I'm Needed At An Emergency Room, I Need To Deliver A Premature Baby Right Quick.

"Its Okay Doc You Can Tell Me." She Smiled.

"Okay, We Ran A Few Tests And Found Poison In His System...
A Very Very Dangerous One, Its A Good Thing You Guys Brought Him In Here When You Did Otherwise He Would've Died.*

"He's Alive?" Disappointment Filled Her Voice.

Doc Frowned..

" I.... I Mean That's Good News."

"Yeah, He's Responding Well To The Medicine And The Poison Will Be Out Of His System By The End Of Today... I'm Gonna Get To Work Now Ma'am But Tell The Others That If They Have Any Questions They Should Come To My Office And Ask Me."

"I Will, Thank You.

The Doctor Walked Away And Taylor Quickly Found Her Way To Her Sister Jane's Office Since She Was A Doctor At That Hospital.

"Sis, Hey" Jane Smiled.

"I Need Your Help." Taylor Walked In As Fast As She Could.

"Uhm....What Is It?

She Told Her Everything, About How Chris Got In The Hospital And Jane Was Surprised As Hell When She Heard What Taylor Wanted Her To Do.

"You Want Me To Lie To His Family?" Jane Asked In Shock

Taylor Nodded Quickly "Yes, Look If People Find Out About The Poisoning. Its The End Of Me, My Daughter Is Gonna Hate Me.... Jane Please Help Me, Pleaseeee" Sh Pleaded.

"Taylor I Could Lose My Job For This, I.... I Can't! You Shouldn't Have Tried To Kill Your Son In The First Place."

"Please Jane..... You My Only Hope."

She Sighed "......What Should I Tell Them?"

"Tell Them He Had Allergies Or Something, Don't Mention The Poison!"


Taylor Went Back To Where Everyone Was And Sat Down, Minutes After Jane Came And Said.

"Family Of Chris Brown?"

They All Paid Attention To Her, Diggy Hugged His Mom Then Sat Back Down.

"What's Wrong With Him Doc?" Brandon Asked.

"Is He Gonna Be Okay?" Jen Asked.

"He's Okay For Now..... We've Just Discovered That He Has Food Allergy."

"Chris Has Never Had No Kind Of Allergy, Are You Sure There Isn't Some Sort Of A Mistake Here?" Mama J Asked Frowning.

"No Ma, My Team And I Never Make Mistakes When It Comes To Our Patients. Something He Ate Caused All That Was Happenin To Him. We Also Noticed Some Swelling In His Throat When He Got Here. But We Gave Him Some Medicine And He Should Be Out Of Here By Tomorrow." Jane Spoke.

Jen Sighed In Relief "Thank God.... Can We See Him.?"

Jane Nodded "Of Course, He's Probably Sleeping But You Can Go In, Only Two People At A Time."

Me And Jennifer Will Go First, Come Sweetheart" Mama J Said Grabbing Jen's Hand.

Jennifer Was About To Walk But She Suddenly Felt Dizzy And Got Weak On Her Knees, She Was About To Fall But Trey Grabbed Her.

"Baby, What's Wrong.?!" Taylor Asked

"I-I'm Fine, I'm Just Gonna Go See My Fiancé-" She Paused And Screamed Hugging Her Stomach  "Owww!"

"Jenny, What's The Matter?" Trey Asked Rubbing Her Cheek.

"Oh My God!" August Widened His Eyes.

Trey Looked Up At Him "What?."

"There's Blood On Her Stomach, Look" August Pointed. 

Jen Screamed "It Hurts, My Stomach Pains" She Cried.

"Mom, You're A Doctor... What's Happening?" Diggy Asked.

"We Need To Get Her To The Emergency Room...As Soon As Possible."


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