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"What The Hell Is Goin On Here?!" Dad Asked.

"Mom! Dad!" I Giggled Nervously. "Why Are You Guys Back So Early?"

"What Are You Doin??" Mom Asked Crossing Her Arms

"Uhm...W-we Were Just-"

"Who Is This Boy?" Mom Asked

"This Is My Friend C-chris."

"Your Friend! Is That Why He Had His Tongue Down Yo Throat..?" Dad Yelled, We Stayed Quiet "How Old Are You?" He Asked Chris.

"I-i'm 25 Sir" Chris Said Quickly.

"Get Out Of My House!"

"Honey Calm Down!" Mom Said Rubbing His Back.

"I'm Sorry I Didn't Mean To Disrespect You Guys In Anyway" Chris Said "Jen I'll Call You" He Walked To The Door.

"I Wouldn't Do That If I Were You, Stay Away From My Daughter.." Dad Yelled As Chris Left The Room.

"Dad What's Your Problem? I Thought You Was Okay With Me Dating!" I Said Highly Annoyed. 

"I Don't Have A Problem With You Dating, I Have A Problem With You Bringing Your Boyfriends Up In Your Room When We Ain't Here! This Is My House... My Rules!" He Said Sternly.

"Mom Talk To Your Husband. If He Carries On Like This I'm Gonna Die A Virgin"

"Even Better" Dad Said Causing Me To Glare At Him.

"Baby, Your Father Is Right... And Besides That Guy Is 25 Years Old You're Only 19 Years Young He's More Mature Than You, He's Gonna Take Advantage.."

"Can The Two Of You Just Get Out Of My Room.." They Looked At Me Like I Had Lost My Mind When I Said That "Go, Get Out."

"Watch That Tongue Of Yours! I Can Still Spank Your Ass"

I Rolled My Eyes Pointing At The Door.

They Mumbled Stuff Starting To Walk Out And I Locked The Door Then Threw Myself On The Bed. I Just Can't Believe This Just Happened. They Probably Chased Chris Away And I'll Never See Him Again.. My Dad Really Gets On My Nerves Sometimes..



I Woke Up The Next Morning Still Pissed As Hell.. I Went To The Bathroom, Took A Shower And Put My Clothes On After That I Made Up My Bed, Took My Keys And Went Downstairs I Woke Up Extra Early Today Just So That I Don't See My Parents, I'm Not In The Mood To Argue With Them At All. I Got Downstairs To The Kitchen And Grabbed An Apple Before I Could Leave The Kitchen They Walked In.

"Honey Your Dad And I Have Somethin To Say." Mom Spoke And I Rolled My Eyes.

"Not Now, I'm Gonna Be Late For Work" I Said.

"Listen To What We Have To Say!"

"What Is It?"

"I'm Sorry For The Way I Acted Last Night, It Was A Bit Overrated.."

I Chuckled "A Bit?"

"You Know What I Mean.... I Know That You're Growing Up And You Gon Have A Boyfriend One Way Or Another, Just Don't Bring Them In My House"

"You Also Have To Know That Its Not Always Easy For Parents To Accept Things Like These"

"I'm Sorry I Disrespect Your Home And Brought A Guy In Here"

Mom Smiled Nodding Her Head "So.. Your Dad And I Was Thinkin..."

I Side Eyed Them

"Can You Invite Chris Over For Dinner So That We Can Meet Him Properly."

"That's Not A Good Idea.." I Shook My Head

"We Won't Embarrass You If That's What You Thinkin... We Just Wanna Officially Meet Your Boyfriend, Is That A Problem?" Dad Said.

I Sighed "Chris Is Not My Boyfriend, We're Just Friends..!"

"You Kiss Your Friends?!" Dad Raised A Brow.

"Its Complicated.. Look I'll Talk To Him And Hear What He Says.. Right Now I Gotta Go."

I Left Them Standing There And Left The House.


I Arrived At The Boutique And Rosie And Cecilia Were Doin Their Work At The Reception, I Said My Hellos And Found My Way To My Office, Ariana, Melissa And Tina Were In There Talking.

"Y'all Just Won't Believe What Happened Last Night." I Sat On The Chair Behind The Desk.

"Hi Yourself Hoe" Melissa Said

"Sorry, Hey Girls"

"What Happened.!?" Ari Asked

"My  Mom And Dad.. They Just Pissed Me Tf Off.." I Sighed "Like When The Hell Will They Accept That I'm A Grown Ass Woman.. They Still Treat Me Like I'm 12" I Complained.

"What'd They Do This Time.!?" Tina Asked Chuckling.

"They Walked In On Me And Chris Kissing And My Dad Kicked Him Out."

"OMG!! You Had Sex With Him..!" Ari Screamed Then Covered Her Mouth

"I Said We Kissed Ari, Damn This Girl!"

They Laughed.

"So Wassup, You Guys Dating?" Mel Asked.

"Not Yet, It Was Just A Kiss But Damn It Was Amazing.." I Smiled Thinking About Chris.

"Gurl, You Are One Lucky Bitch, Chris Is Hot"Tina Said Fanning Herself

I Giggled "I Know Right? He Told Me He Likes Me."

"Aww, How Sweet.." Ari Smiled Widely.

I Heard My Phone Ring And I Looked At The Caller Id... It Was Chris.


Me- Hello?

Chris- Hey, Wassup Baby Girl.

Me- I Didn't Think You'd Talk To Me After What Happened With My Parents.

Chris- Nahhh.. I Understand Where They Comin From, Honestly.

Me- That's A Relief.

Chris- You Ready For Our Date Tonight?

Me- About That....Uhm.. My Parents Kinda Want You To Have Dinner With Them At My Place.

Chris- Whoa! Your Dad Gon Kill Me.

Me- He Won't I Promise... He Gon Have To Kill Me First.

Chris- Girl I Don't Think I'm Ready For Their Insults.

Me- Chris They Promised Me They Wouldn't Scare You Off.. Please Come By Tonight Pleaseeee.

Chris- Okay, Okay... What Time..!?


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