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"Jane.... Please Get The Door For Me." Taylor Yelled From The Kitchen Hearing The Doorbell Ring. She Was Busy Cooking, Jane Was Just In The Living Room Reading Some Book, She Got Up From The Couch And Walked To The Door.

She Opened It And There Was A Young Woman Standing There, She Looked Like She Was Jennifer's Age.

"Good Day Ma'am." The Beauty Said.

"Hey... How May I Help You?" Jane Asked.

"Uhm... My Name Is Laura Edwards And I'm Looking For Taylor And John Howard."

"May I Ask Why?"

"It's Somethin Very Important Ma... I Really Need To See Them."

"Taylor Is Here But I'm Afraid John Doesn't Live Here Anymore... Come On In Though."

She Went In And Looked Around, She Was Holding A Brown Envelope In Her Hands. Jane Called Taylor And The Three Of Them Sat In The Living Room.

"So, How Do You Know Me?"

"I Did Some Research On You And Your Family After I Saw The News About Your Kids Dating Each Other." She Said.

Taylor Frowned "Why Are You Doin Research On My Family? Who Are You?

"Like I Said To This Lady, I'm Laura Edwards And I'm Here To Tell You Guys Somethin Important, I Had Hoped To Find Mr Howard Here But I'll Just Say It Since He Ain't Here."

Jane Crossed Her Legs "What Is It?"

"My Mom, Hilary Edwards... She Was A Nurse And She Told Me A Story About A Mistake She And Her Colleagues Made Years Ago, Apparently There Were Two Pregnant Women, They Were Impregnated By The Same n And They Both Went In Labour At The Same Time...One Of Them Gave Birth To A Premature Baby Girl Who Didn't Make It And The Other Lady Died After Giving Birth To A Healthy Baby Who Also Happened To A Girl. My Mom And The Others Took The Baby That Had Just Lost The Mother And Gave Her To The Lady Who Had Lost A Baby. I Don't Know If I'm Explaining It Right But I'm Telling It Like I Was Told. So Uhm... Those Ladies Were Mariah Norman And Taylor Howard."

Taylor Frowned "Me?"

"Yes Ma'am"

She Chuckled "Are You Drunk?

"I Know It Sounds Hard To Believe Mrs Howard But Its The Truth... Thing Is My Mom Is Sick, She Has Cancer And She Only Has 2 Weeks To Live That's Why She Told Me This, She Couldn't Die With This Secret... The Baby You've Been Raising All These Years Is Mariah Norman's Baby, Yours Died.... Here's A Letter My Mom Wrote, I'm Pretty Sure She Explained Everything That Happened At The Hospital That Da-"

"Who Sent You?" Taylor Asked Cutting Her Off.

Laura Looked At Her "Pardon?"

"You Heard Me, Who The Hell Sent You? You Wanna Ruin Our Lives With Your Fabricated Lies Clearly Somebody Sent You. Who Is It? Are You After The Money.?"

"With All Due Respect Ma'am, I'm Not Here For Anyone's Money... I Just Thought That-"

"You Thought What, Huh? Little Devil. Get Out Of My House, Go Find Someone Else To Lie To."

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