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Jen Was Just Sitting In The Bed, Crying. Its What She's Been Doin Since She Found Out About The Pregnancy, She Wants To Be Happy About It But She Can't, I Mean How Can You Be Happy About Having Your Brother's Kid?

She's Currently Alone In Her Flat, Her Friends Are Out. As She Was Still In The Bed Her Phone Rang.. She Ignored It And It Stopped Ringing But Minutes Later It Started Ringing Again... She Just Answered It Without
Looking At The Caller ID.


"Speak." She Said Lowly.

"I Miss You" Chris' Husky Voice Said On The Other Side Of The Phone

Jen Was Silent For A Bit


"Chris!.." She Exhaled "I Miss You Too"

"How You Holding Up.?"

"I'm... I Honestly Don't Know." She Sighed "I'm Still Breathing, You?"

".....I Think I'm Loosing My Mind, I Don't Know Whether I'm Goin Left Or Right Half The Time. I Need To Feel You In My Arms. I Know It's Wrong But I Need You, I Ain't Coping Without You." He Spoke Softly Into The Phone And She Sniffed Wiping Her Tears.

"Me Too Chris, Can I Come Over?"

"I...I Don't Think That's A Good Idea... We'll End Up Doin What We Shouldn't Do."

"I Don't Care Anymore.... I Love You And I'm A Mess Chris, I Have To See You Or I'm Gonna Go Crazy"

".... I Probably Shouldn't Have Called."

"I'm Gonna End It... This Is No Way To Live, I Wanna End This Shit Right Now."

"Wait... What Do You Mean?" Chris Asked

"I'm Tired Of This, I Can't Take It Anymore..."

"Jen! Wait Don't Do Anything S-" She Hung Up The Phone And Walked Over To The Drawer, She Grabbed The Knife She Was Cutting Fruits With Earlier And Looked At It, It Was Sharp And Shinny.


On The Other Side Chris Threw His Shirt On And Ran Out The House After He Talked To Jen, He Got In The Car And Drove To Her Flat As Fast As He Could.

When He Made It There He Ran Over To The Door And Just Barged In, He Ran Up The Stairs Seeing One Of The Rooms With The Door Wide Open And He Heard The TV Playin, He Went In And Widened Eyes When He Saw Jen Sitting On The Bed With A Knife On Placed On Her Wrist.

"What Are You Doin?!" He Asked.

"What Are You Doin Here?" She Stood Up.

"Jen Put That Shit Away" He Tried To Walk Towards Her But She Stepped Back With A Knife Still Placed On Her Left Wrist.

"Leave Chris, Just Go"

"Please Don't Do It Baby I'm Sure There's Somethin We Can Do, Killing Yourself Won't Change Anything.."

"I Don't Wanna Live Anymore." She Cried "Step Back Or I'll Slit My Wrist, I'm Not Playing"

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