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Its Been 4 Months Since The Dinner Me And Chris Had With My Parents. They Loved Him, Well Not As Much As I Do ;) Me And Chris Have Been Dating For 3 Months. It Took Him A Month To Get Me To Be His Girl And I Finally Said Yes.

I Even Moved In With Him.. My Parents Weren't Really Happy About It,  They're Still Not But They Have To Understand That Chris And I Love Each Other...A Part Of Me Understands Where They're Coming From Especially Because Me And Chris Haven't Known Each Other Long Enough For Me To Move In With Him, I Also Think We're Moving Too Fast Sometimes But I'm Following My Heart. Maybe This Man Is My Future Husband Who Knows?

We're Crazy About Each Other. We Have A Lot Of Things In Common Its Like We Were Cut From The Same Cloth, Sometimes It Scares Me How Strong We Connect When We Just Met So Recently.

"Jen!.." I Heard Chris Voice Followed By His Heavy Footsteps Running Down The Stairs And I Quickly Got Up Hiding Behind One Of The Couches.

Dude Been Calling My Name All Damn Day.

"Baby You In Here?!" I Saw His Feet Entering The Living Room And I Chuckled Quietly Remaining On The Couch.

"No! I'm Not In Here Nigga, Turn Around And Go Back Upstairs!" I Mumbled.

"I Heard That" He Laughed "The Fuck You Hiding For?"

I Stood Up Fixing Up My Jean Shorts "You, You Been Calling Me All Day Its Annoying" I Chuckled As He Walked Towards Me Giggling.

"That Don't Matter Because Your Irritating Ass Loves My Annoying Ass So Damn Much" He Poked My Nose Before Pulling Me To His Chest By My Waist

"Did You Just Call Me Irritating?" I Glared Up At Him

"Did You Just Call Me Annoying?" He Glared Too.

We Laughed.

"You A Trip"

"Whatever... Have You Seen My Phone.!?" He Asked.

"Nope" I Sat On The Couch Crossing My Legs.

"You Hid It Didn't You? Just Like You Always Do" He Crossed His Arms, I Just Chuckled "Why You So Childish?" He Whined.

"Babe, Why Do You Always Think The Worst Of Me?"

He Side Eyed Me "Lemme See Your Pockets!"

"Nooo" I Shook My Head.

"95% Says You Have It"

"That Means The Other 5% Says I Don't" I Smirked.

"You Have It.." He Started Tickling Me And I Laughed Trying To Push Him Off, He Pinned Me Down On The Couch And Kept Tickling Me While I Laughed Hard.

"Stopppppp.." I Screamed Trying To Get Away But He Wasn't Letting Me "Baby Stop I'm Gonna Pee My Pants"

"Where's My Phone?" He Laughed At Me.

"Okay Okay, I'll Give It To You" I Yelled Out And He Stopped Tickling Me. "Its In My Back Pocket Get Off Me So I Can Get It"

"I Got It" He Slid His Hand Under My Butt And Pulled The Phone Out My Pocket. He Placed A Soft Kiss On My Chest And Another One On My Lips, He Licked My Bottom Lip Begging For Entrance And I Parted My Lips, His Warm Tongue Slid In My Mouth And We Started Tongue Wrestling.

"You Do Know I'm Gon Get You For Always Hiding My Phone Right?" He Said Against Our Lips And I Giggled Biting His Bottom Lip As I Pulled Away.

"Yeah, Yeah Whatever" I Rolled My Eyes

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