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"Wait.... What Did You Just Say?" Shocked Jeniffer Asked, She Couldn't Believe What Laura Was Tellin Them.

"I'm Sorry To Have To Tell You Like This, I Went Over To Mrs Howard's And She Didn't Believe Me So I Thought I Should Come Tell You...."

"Look We've Been Lied To A Lot Recently So If This Is Some Kind Of A Fabricated Lie, Please Stop, I'm Begging You." Chris Spoke.

Laura Shook Her Head. "I Had To Cancel A Very Important Meeting To Get Here, I Wouldn't Do All That So I Can Come Lie To Y'all."

"So, Taylor Is Not My Mom?" Jen Asked Still Trying To Process The Whole Thing.

"Apparently... I Read An Article, It Was Talkin About How You Guys Broke Up Because You Found Out You Were Siblings And I Know How It Is To Love Someone And Not Be Able To Be With Them, I Couldn't Sit Back And Watch Y'all Living Without Each Other Knowin Very Well That You Ain't Siblings."

Chris Nodded His Head In Understanding.

Jen Sighed "This Is Just So, Unexpected. I Don't Know What To Think Or Believe."

"I Know, What My Mom Did Was Wrong And I'll Understand If You Guys Don't Believe Me But I Just Hope You Do The Right Thing And Go For DNA Tests... It's The Only Way You Guys Will Find The Real Truth And Find Peace."

"You Have No Reason To Lie To Us... I Mean What Will You Gain?" Chris Said.

"He's Right, Thanks For Tellin Us.... It Means A Lot." Jen said.

Laura Smiled "Thanks For Believing Me, I'll Get Back To Work Now.

"Alright, I'll Walk You Out." Chris Said. He Went Right Behind Her, Once She Was Out He Closed The Door And Went Back To The Living Room, Jen Had Her Head In Her Hands Cryin.. Chris Sat Next To Her And Pulled Her Into A Warm, Tight Hug.

"Shhhh, Don't Cry.... I'm Sorry."

"Why Do These Things Keep Happening To Me? Can't I Just Be Happy For Once In My Life.?"

Chris Pulled Away From The Hug. "It's Gonna Be Okay...Just Stop Stressing Jen It's Not Good For The Baby.

"You Know I'm Not Even Hurt By The Fact That Taylor Might Not Be My Biological Mom, I'm Just Frustrated.... I'm Frustrated That All My Life Has Been A Lie Maybe If I Had Been Raised By My Real Mother I'd Have Been Happier Than I Was Being Raised By Taylor."

"But You Do Realize That If You Were Raised By Your Biological Mom, You And Me Probably Wouldn't Have Met Right?"

She Stayed Silent.

"I Don't Mean To Sound Heartless Or Anything But.... I'm Low-Key Happy That Taylor Ain't Your Mom And I Can't Wait For Us To Get DNA Tests And Conform It... This Means We Get To Be Together, Me, You And Our Little One." He Rubbed Her Stomach.

"I Hope She Ain't My Mom Too, Lord Knows I Loved That Woman But After Everything She's Done... I Want Nothing To Do With Her, She's Caused Us A Lot Of Pain And I Can't Stand Her At All."

Chris Nodded "Same Goes Here.... I'm Glad She's Staying Away From Me And You... There's No Telling What I'd Do If She Breathed In Our Director"

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