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Chris Woke Up To His Sleeping Beauty Lying Her Head On His Chest Sleeping Peacefully, He Kissed Her Forehead And Pictures From Last Night Started Playing In His Head, He Smiled And Rubbed Her Back. All He Could Think About Was How Much He Loved Jennifer And How He Was Ready To Build A Family With Her. He Didn't Feel The Need To Be With Her For 5 Years To Know That She Was The One. The Past 3 Months They've Been Together Was Enough To Show Him That She's What He's Been Waiting For, All His Life.

He Was Gonna Marry Her And He Was Gonna Do It Soon.

This Was All New To Him, Having Someone Who Means So Much To Him, Having Someone Who Loves Him And Only Him,  He Wasn't Planning On Letting Her Slip Through His Fingers.

He Was Low-Key Hoping That Jen Was Pregnant Since He Didn't Use A Condom Or Pull Out Last Night.

Slowly Getting Out Bed Making Sure Not To  Wake Her, He Went To The Bathroom Connected To Their Room And Brushed His Teeth After He That He Hopped In The Shower.

After The Long Shower He Had, He Wrapped A Towel Around His Waist And Went Back In The Bedroom. Jeniffer Was Just Waking Up.

"Morning Beautiful." He Said Smiling

"Morning To You Too Pretty Boy"

He Chuckled Standing Near The Bed "How You Feelin?"

"I'm Sore" She Sat Up.

"I Put In Work Last Night Huh?" He Smirked.

"You Were Okay"

"I Was Good, I Was Great Jus Say It"

They Laughed.

"You're Conceited" She Rolled Her Eyes Playfully "Last Night Was Great Through"

"It Was Amazing, No One Has Ever Made Me Feel That Good"

"Really? I'm That Good?"

He Smirked "Yeah Baby! Wanna Give Me Part Two Of Last Night?

"Dude No!" She Shook Her Head Quickly Making Him Laugh.


Chris Was Now Downstairs Making Breakfast While Jen Was Taking A Shower, As He Was Still In The Kitchen He Heard A Doorbell Ring And He Went To Open It, He Rolled His Eyes Immediately When He Saw Who It Was.

"The Fuck You Doin Here?!!"

"That's Not A Nice Way To Greet Your Soulmate." Nicki Said With A Smirk As She Showed Herself In.

"Look I'm In A Very Good Mood Today So I'm Asking You Nicely, Please Don't Spoil It."

"Is Your Little Girlfriend The Reason For Your 'Good Mood'..?"

"Onika, What Do You Want.?"

"I'm Here To Tell You Somethin That's About To Change Your Life, Mine Too Actually."

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