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Jennifer Came Home From Work, She Walked Straight To The Kitchen And Drank Some Water, Then She Walked To The Living Room Which Is Where Her Parents Was.

"Hey Sweetheart." Her Dad Said Smiling"

"Hi Daddy" She Hugged Him Then "Hey Mama" She Hugged Her Too.

"You Look Tired" Taylor Said Patting A Spot Next To Her And Jen Sat Down

"I Am, It Was So Busy At Work And Somethin Happened That Just Changed My Moods."

"What Would That Be?" Taylor Asked.

"You Know Josiah? The Famous Italian Designer" Jen Asked.

"Oh Yeah, I Love His Designs..." Taylor Smiled.

"What About Him?" John Asked

"He Called The Reception And Luckily I Was There To Answer, So He Wants To Sell Some Of My Designs At His Boutique."

"Isn't That Called Stealing! Why Can't He Design His Own?" John Raised His Brows After Putting His Newspaper Down.

Jen Laughed "Daddy You Don't Understand, My Designs Being Sold In A Different Country Means More Connections, More Money, Josiah Said That He'll Give Me 75%"

"Wow!!" Her Parents Smiled Looking At Each Other And She Chuckled.

"My Gosh Sweetie, Congratulations." Taylor Said.

"I'm Very Proud Of You, I Still Think You Should Be In College Though." John Said.

"Dad.." Jen Sighed Rolling Her Eyes "Can We Not Go There.!"

John Laughed A Little "Fine Then, Congratulations Baby Girl. You Gon Buy Me A New Car Once You're Rich"

"No She'll Buy It For Me First"

"Why Not Me?"

"Because I'm The One Who Woke Up Every Night When She Cried, I Changed Her Diapers Everyday While You Were Snoring" Taylor Said.

"But I Helped Out"

"No Johnathan, Don't Lie"

"Girl This Child Wouldn't Be Here If It Weren't For Me! I'm Getting The Car First"

"Bull, I Pushed This Baby Down My V-"

"Whoa! Calm Down Parents, That's A Bit Too Much Information There" Jennifer Laughed.

Phone Rings.

Jen Looked At Her Phone And Saw Chris' Name Across The Screen, She Rolled Her Eyes And Watched The Phone As It Rang.

"Aren't You Gonna Answer That?" Her Mom Asked

"No.." She Shook Her Head.

"Why Not?"

"Its Chris..."

"Don't Answer It Then."

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