Chapter 1~The Kidnapping

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~Iris p.o.v~
I was walking down my moms street when all of a sudden I felt like I was being watched. I stopped and looked around, "Hello"?! God I was stupid. Who the hell yells out hello if they're being watched!? When I got no answer I continued on walking. A few minutes later I heard footsteps walking behind me. I turned around and and see a guy following me. I walked a little faster because if I ran then I'd be vampire running. If I do that then I'll cause my family and I to move...AGAIN. I was about to text my mom what was happening when I heard a voice in my head, I wouldn't do that if I were you love. WTF!!!! OK, first off nobody can do that unless they're like me and my family. I started to run, and I mean vampire run. I looked behind me and saw nobody there. I was still running when I ran into someone. I looked up and it was that guy again. Creep. "How did you..."? Was all I had to say before I felt two pairs of strong hands grab my own. What. Is. Going. On!! I was being lifted up into a black BMW. Oh hell no! I am NOT I repeat NOT getting kidnapped right now! So like any other person would do I started fighting back. I started kicking my legs, i started to try to wiggle free. Big. Fucking. Mistake. One of the guys held me back and let's just say he was waaayyyy stronger than me, and I'm a vampire. Although something about these guys seemed a liiittlle off. I was still being carried by the arms when someone said,"Louis, you know what to do." Wait-what? Did i just...whoa whoa whoa...did i just hear him right. OK so according to the movies when they say "you know what to do" it's not good like...ever. The last thing I saw was a pair of like blue-gray eyes and a voice,"sorry love, but I have to do this". And then everything went black.
~I have school so I'll do a chapter or 2 each day if I'm not busy because of school.
Until next time my fellow badasses
~S xXx

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