Chapter 31~ best friends reunited

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"Do you think they're gone"? I asked tiffy. I didn't want to talk loud because what if the boys are inside?

I looked around and tried to listen to what was going on but I didn't hear anything. Silence. That was it and it was sorta disturbing you could practically hear your own thoughts. That's how quiet it was.

Clink! Clink!

"W-what was that"? Tiffy asked. I shrugged my shoulders and went toward the window. Oh what a stupid move that was.

Because guess who was throwing rocks at the window? It was the one and only Niall Horan. "Tiffy"? I whispered.


"Run". By this time I was hyperventilating really bad. "What why? Sophia what's going on"? I turned around and that's when it happened. An arm grabbed my arm and pulled me out the window.

Someone screamed but I couldn't tell if it was even mine. When I was out the window all I remember seeing was a pair of blue eyes, "funny seeing you here". Then everything went black.
Clink! Clink!

I woke to the sound of chains clinking together. "Sophia!? Oh my god sophia!!" Someone squealed. I turned to my side and saw iris the same way we saw her at home.

"Iris"! Cue the hug. "Thank god nothing serious happened". She gave me a look and held out her arms and stood up, and oh my god I wish I never saw that. It was worse than when we saw her at home.

I reached out for her arm but she took it away, "iris what happened"? I whispered. That must've hit something because she broke down crying. "No iris please don't cry if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to I'm just curious".

Time skip: 5 minutes later
She told me everything and it was awful. She said they tortured her. The stab wounds were from silver knives, so were the cuts. She said that when they got high or drunk they abused her. They haven't gave her blood for a while and it was just terrible. I feel bad for her.

I heard footsteps indicating that someone was coming down to the basement. "Alright girls let's go up to your room". Harry said. I looked down, "I wish we could harry but we can't. As you see we're chained up to the wall". I said sweetly. When in the inside I was killing him every way possible, the main one was chopping off his head and burning it along with his body.

He unchained us and I saw iris trying to stand up but she fell. I picked her up and rested her arm around my shoulder.

When we got to the room the layout was completely different I the colors were but- wow.

The colors were the same but there were two more beds which I guess is for Misty and Tiffy.

They put less items in the room. The beds were queen sized, there were desks next to the beds, book shelves with a ton of books, lamps on each desk, and the colors were the same. Blue for me, red for iris, black for misty and purple for tiffy.

I laid iris down on her bed and went to sleep.

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