Chapter 28~they found us

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6 months. 6 months since we helped the girls escape. They haven't found us.... yet. Keyword yet people. I'm still paranoid that they'll find us even if we moved to a different city.

Its like they're tracking us. Watching us. 

"Iris relax". They would say.  I would but the thing is I just can't. Like I said I can tell if I'm being watched or followed and that's how I feel now.

When we moved here to Doncaster my name was Rae'an Leslie Gonzalez. I mean it sounds original to a normal person but if you're like me and from where I come from then you'd know that the name comes from my mom's side of the family.

I never mentioned this before but I found out that my look and name is from my grandma.

If anyone of my mom's family saw me they'd probably think I'm her ghost or something.

Anyway we were on our way to go shopping because we left everything at home incase we go back. And boy this mall was huge.

I knew where we were because we came here to Doncaster last year on vacation.  

                 Westfield Doncaster
And the inside was amazing too I'll tell you that. "Okay guys we're here".

"Oh wait what about the scars and bruises the girls have"? I said.

"Shit I forgot about those". Zayn muttered. "Can't you guys just- god why didn't we take care of this before"?

That's when I realized that I had bought a few jackets with me I don't why but they were my favorite. "Here. Put these on". I said handing the jackets to the girls. They put them on and we went inside.
"I'm tired and hungry zayn". Misty whined.  We've been walking for about and hour or so.

"Okay misty we'll order something from the wfb (werewolf food bank) when we get home".

"Yay! Love you zayn"!

"Liam are you sure they're here at Westfield"? I asked.

"Yes louis how many fucking times do I have to say it? The chip says they're here".

Yeah yeah. I know what chip?  Well let's just say that the phones we gave the girls have tracking devices built into the phone. So that way we could track them in situations like this.

"Louis look there they are". Niall whispered.

I looked and saw them. The girls and one unfamiliar girl. 'Must be zayn's girlfriend'. I thought. I didn't see iris though so maybe she's at they're house.

"Okay you boys remember the plan right"? I turned around and all the boys nodded.

The plan was to stalk them and get them paranoid, then we take the girls back. "Let's do this". I whispered.

"How much longer zayn"? Misty groaned.

That's it i had enough of this, "Misty will you shut the fuck up already-".

No. It can't be. "Shit". I muttered.

Everyone looked at me, "what iris what is it"?

I blinked and they were gone. Bitch what the fuck? "Never mind I thought i- nevermind". And then I walked away. I swear to god I saw the boys I fucking swear to god.

"Iris is everything okay"?

"Wha- oh yeah everything's fine zayn".

He sat next to me, "are you sure? It doesn't look like everything's fine sis". At this point I was getting really annoyed.

'Oi love did ya miss me'?

Holy fuck

'How did you find me'?

'Oh so it is you'?


'Go away louis'.

'No I have a deal for you'

'I said to get the fuck away from me where are you anyways'

'First off no I won't and second, if you look around and you'll figure it out I mean I figured out who you were'

I looked around and saw a guy staring at me and his eyes,

'Find me yet love'

'Fuck off lou'

'Hmmm how about no'

'Fuck you'

'I wish you would'

'Go away'

'Oi now watch who you're talking to love don't want ya to get hurt'

'Go die in a hole'

'I can't for I am already dead'

'Just tell me what you want'

'Okay, so what I want you to do is either turn yourself in to us or you bring the girls, and your brother to us and you be free'

'And what if I don't'

'Love let's just say that there will be some blood shedded'

'O-okay I'll turn myself in'

'Good now you're telling anyone about this got. it?'

'Yes lou'

'Good until next time'

'Yeah yeah bye'

And with that he left. 'What did I get myself into'?

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