Fourty Nine

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I huffed and then i heard it...

Footsteps. And they were getting closer every second. 

I tensed and saw everyone else do the same. I sniffed the air and picked up a very familiar sent, 'Misty'.

"Fuck". I whispered. If my sister saw me here she'd snitch me out for sure.

I took my head off the door panicking, 'I can't do this'. I thought. I shook my head, "everyone hide". I whispered. "Now".

Everyone hid and I stood with my ear in front of the door with my ear against it.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped.

Right in front of the door.


You know when it feels like time just slowed down or stopped and you can't do anything about it? You know when you just have that really bad feeling and it won't go away? You know when its so silent you hear a ringing noise in your head?

Well I do. Why? Because its happening right now.

I held my breath and then the next thing that happened actually scared me...

The door knob turned.

I looked around to see where everyone was and couldn't see them. I guess they're invisible.

Just as the door opened I turned invisible,

Oh god...

It wasn't just my sister it was her and Michael. And he didn't look so good.

I waited until Misty left and made myself visible. 

When she was gone I called Michael's name, "Pssst... Mikey". I whispered. I saw him jump and look around alarmed. When his eyes found my own he sighed in relief.

"Oh my god iris. What are you doing here"? He whispered.

I shrugged, "Trying to get you away from here, obviously ". I said.

"You can't... Its not possible". Mikey whispered. I looked at him confused and he held up his leg, "They'll find me". He said exposing (EXPOSED) an ankle bracelet on his leg.   

I sighed shaking my head. Nothing ever goes right anymore.

Sophia pov

"So what are we supposed to do? Nothing"? I snapped at the boys. "Did you forget what they did a few years ago? For fucks sake guys"!

Everyone looked at me surprised by my sudden outburst. They all knew what I was talking about, a few years ago luke, calum, ashton, and michael all did something five years ago that nobody's forgiven them for yet.

"Let's go". Liam said taking me outside by the shoulders. "I get it, you're still upset about it". He said.

"Still upset"? I snapped. "Upset doesn't even describe it".

Liam sighed, "don't worry sis... They'll get what's coming. They deserve it". He said whispering the last part.

I shook my head, "yea whatever". I said walking back inside. While walking inside I couldn't help but notice the shadows moving in the window of iris's room.

"Did you see that"? I asked Liam stopping.

Liam bumped into me with an "oomph" and muttered, "see what"?

"The shadows moving on iris's bedroom window". I replied still staring at her window.

"It was probably just Michael, Misty did put him there after all". Liam said.

I brushed it off shrugging, "probably". I said still curious. I will find out what those shadows were no matter what...


"Night guys"! I yelled jogging up the stairs. Everyone replied with and night but midway up my brother stopped me.

"What do you want Liam"? I said.

"Someone smells annoyed... Why are you going to bed so early"? He asked me.

"Can I not be tired"? I asked. Truth was I wasn't really tired I just wanted to see what or who those shadows belonged to.

"Soph... Its only eleven". He said.

"Exactly". I snapped. I tried walking again but Liam grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face him,

"You usually don't sleep til like four or five in the morning". He said.

"So? Can I not change what time I go to sleep now"? I said getting upset. Should it matter to him why I'm going to sleep early?

"That's not what I meant-".

I cut him off, "that's exactly what you meant Liam, you can't stop me... Its not like I'm breaking the law anyways". I said muttering the last part.

Pushing past him I slammed the door closed and waited for a bit. When I knew no one was paying attention upstairs I made my way to Iris's room.

Third person pov

"Iris, Luke... We gotta go". Ashton said nervous. Who could blame him? They've been here for about two hours and nobody's came to check on Michael. Which was very suspicious to him.

Iris and Luke were trying to get the ankle bracelet off Michael's bracelet. But it was impossible to do so. Not noticing Sophia walk through the door Iris and Luke pulled on the ankle bracelet together but it didn't budge.

"What is this made out of"? Luke asked.

"That would be our business and not yours". Sophia snapped.

Iris and Luke jumped while the others backed away and turned towards Sophia. "What- how'd you find us"? Iris asked.

"You guys really have to know not to move in front of a window that you snuck in". Sophia said.

Everyone glared at Ashton who looked away. "Sophia you can't tell anyone of the boys I was here". Iris said.

Sophia closed the door, "who said I was? They think I went to sleep anyways". She said.

"Can you help us get Michael out of here... Please"? Luke gently said.

"Who said I'd do anything for you"? Sophia hissed.

"Soph you can tell them we were here". Iris whispered.

"I'm not... But you guys have to get out of here before you're caught. Because if you don't..." Sophia didn't finish not wanting to.

Iris nodded, "okay we can do that".

"Good. I'll have to get the key and that's not gonna be easy... Zayn has it". Sophia said whispering the last part.

Iris nodded, glad sophia was helping her out. She didn't want to do this but it kind of was her fault Michael was caught.

"Okay well leave and be back tomorrow". Iris said.

Sophia watched as everyone jumped out the window, iris going out last.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this iris... I just wanted you to know that". Sophia yelled.

Iris nodded before taking one last glance at sophia and jumping out the window herself.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in like about two weeks. I'm currently at a friends house watching supernatural while I'm updating.

What has my life become??


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