simulations, fighting, and running away,

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(The next day)

Why can't they just leave me the fuck alone god damnit. We're going home after me being at the hospital for a day but they still won't let me be.

"Iris please just tell me what I did to make you mad". Louis begged again for the hundredth time.

"Louis just leave her alone already she's not gonna answer any soon". Zayn said.

He's right, I'm not gonna answer soon so I dont see why he keeps bugging me. I just this ride to be over already I just wanna be home where I could train, target practice, or something.

But no like always I can't be alone, because they won't let me.

When we got home I ran into the room and changed into what I had on last time I trained and went to the gym.

However I didnt get to because I was stopped by the others. "Iris where are you going"? Misty asked.

Ignored her and walked to the gym without any other interruptions that didnt last any longer because everyone else came in.

"She still won't answer"? Liam whispered.

Misty shook her head, "nope".

Alright I've had enough, "oh I'm sorry if I'm the highlight of the day, but can you please gossip like annoying middle schoolers somewhere else. Thank you"! I said waving them off.

They looked taken a back except for zayn and misty of course.

"Iris don't start". Zayn said.

"Iris don't start". I mocked. "And who's gonna make me"?

He looked down, "exactly".

"Now move or I won't hesitate to hit you with a knife". I said walking up to a podium and throwing the knife at the target hitting the bullseye.

I turned around and everyone was staring at me with their mouth open.  "What"?

"How did you just do that"? Liam asked.

"Yea it takes us a week to hit the target". Harry added.

"Instincts". I said shrugging. "And its all in the wrists". I said flicking my wrist.

"C'mere and I'll show you". I said waving them over.

They all came over here and I showed them. "Basically its just like playing darts. Just aim where you want the knife to go... And throw".

I walked up to liam and handed him the knife, "Here you try I'll guide you".

He nodded and stepped up to the podium and so did I, "focus liam... Pretend the target is someone you hate and where you wanna hit them".

"Now... Shoot". I whispered. And he did it he hit the bullseye.

"I did it. I really did it"! Liam yelled.

"Good... now I need you to turn the simulation on". I said.

The simulation it when your in a box thing and you get to practice throwing or shooting your weapon at holograms that shatter when you hit them, indicating they're dead.

"Are you you sure"?

"Yes and you're gonna do it with me". I said grabbing a gun and pulling him in the box.

"I don't know about this iris".

"Just turn it on and we'll go back to back".

Liam turned on the simulation, "ready"?

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