Chapter 36~ damn

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Its action time!!


That's the only thing I'm seeing right now is darkness.

Am I dead? I don't know. Was I drugged? Yes. I think.

Why is it so hard to think? Everything's just a big ass blur. All I remember is this, going upstairs because I was pissed, seeing liam, door slamming, and being drugged. I don't remember anything else.

I heard voices but they sounded so distant like I was in a tunnel.

"Do you think she's awake"?
"Yes how many time do I have to say it? I didn't even put that much chloroform on the rag".

"Well she's been asleep for since 6:00 yesterday. And I don't see any signs that she's awake or anything".

What the hell is going on?

I tried moving but I can't, its like I'm in a coma. I tried opening my eyes but its like they were glued shut. Finally I got the strength and opened my eyes.

They light was blinding but I adjusted to it quickly, "look she's waking up"?! I heard.

"Told you she'd wake up".

I looked around and when my eyes focused I saw sophia, iris, and liam standing near my bed.

I put my arm over my eyes and groaned, "ugh what happened? And my head is killing me"!

"Great she doesn't remember. Nice fucking move liam". Okay so that had to be sophia because she's the only one allowed to talk to the boys like that.

"Well its not my fault".

"Of course it is you're the one that put a chloroform rag to her face when you could've gotten the syringe"! Sophia hissed.

At this point I could hear, see, and probably speak normally.

"Can someone plea-". I started but was rudely interrupted by Niall barging in. "You guys we have a bit of a problem".

I tied to get up but couldn't because I was numb.

"Stay here tiffy. Sophia, iris? Come with me". Liam ordered.

I laid back down and after a while I started to feel again and I was about to get up when I heard shouts and liam came through the door.

"You guys we have a bit of a problem". Niall said. And honestly that kinda worried me because Niall's really laid back and chill. So when he sounded worried and unsure I didn't know what to expect.

"Stay here tiffy. Sophia, iris? Come with me". Liam ordered.

We followed liam and saw the other boys pointing their guns at someone.

I rolled my eyes and when I saw who they were shocked me.


"Hello iris I haven't seen you in years, where's your precious 'twin' and 'sister'"?

"Dad your drunk, and high". I stated.

Why do I still call him dad? I don't know.

He pointed his gun at me. "Why do you still call me dad? You're not my daughter".

This set me off. "Not your daughter? Not your daughter!?"

I saw louis and Harry tense up. They tried to hold me back but I got away from the and stepped up to my 'dad' so we were face-to-face.

"Your right I'm not your daughter and I never ever will be even IF you're the last person on earth". I hissed.

That didn't take long before he snapped. Because next thing I knew he tried- TRIED to punch me. Because why? Because he missed.

He taught me how to fight and now he's gonna go up against me!? Hell no. We fought each other all the time in case this happens. Well we practice fight.

I laughed before sending a punch to his face then to his stomach. "Did you forget that you taught me his to fight, AND we went against each other all the time"?

He tried to punch me again but I dodged it, grabbed his arm and flipped him backwards.

Every time he kept trying to fight me I always ended up, dodging it or blocking it.

At one point he caught me off guard because he made it look like he was gonna punch me but he tackled down. I mean c'mon, he straddled me and threw punches at my face but I blocked them.

I kicked him off and did the same to him and in the end he was unconscious, had a broken arm AND leg, plus a dislocated arm, a bloody nose, black eye, and busted lip.

My hands were full of blood and so where my clothes.

I stood up and turned around only to find the boys staring at me like I'm some alien or something, "what? Don't look at me like that, its not like I killed him".


HA! They couldn't even speak. "Zayn really didn't tell you guys anything about our family did he"?

The shook their heads and liam came downstairs followed by tiffy, "is everything al- woah. What happened"?

"She into a fight with her 'dad'". Harry stated pointing to the body on the floor.

"Eh... Might've knocked him out too but who cares? I don't regret it".

They all gasped. "What if your 'father' left you because you were his kids wouldn't be mad"?

The all nodded, "okay then".

"Hey guys? I can't find a pulse". Liam said.

Their eyes widened, "okay so maybe I did kill him but... I don't regret it". I shrugged.

And that was the truth I don't regret it. Why? Well that's easy because HE left US when he found out about misty. Then he came back and a few years later he left us for good.

"What do we the body"? Tiffy asked.

I shrugged, "dispose of it".


"Hey its not the first time I had to do this".

You know those movies that have like this one scene and the girl just told them something shocking and someone drops the glass cup and it shatters all over the floor?

It was like that.

As soon as I said that everyone's jaws dropped, and louis dropped his glass and it went everywhere.

"What do you mean 'its not the first time you had to do this'"?

I shook my head, "oh my god he really didn't tell you guys anything about our family"!

I can't believe this! "Well I guess I have some explaining to do". I said. "But first let's get rid of this". I said pointing to my 'dad's' body.

The boys nodded and we got rid it the body.

When we came back inside all they had to do was asked me a simple question.

"Now tell us what happened".

Now iris had to tell them the info zayn didn't tell.

I might include other celebs like 5sos maybe just maybe.

LOL I just saw how many words there are and its like 1138 words.

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