Part One: The First Day

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This is it. My first day of high school.

I looked into the mirror with a look of determination on my face. I could do this. I keep telling myself that high school isn't a big deal. I take a deep breath as my best friend, Maya, climbs in through the window.

"Hey Riles, you ready?" She asks, coming to stand next to me in the mirror.

I pause. So much has changed in the past year. Am I really ready for this?

"Let's do this." I say. We link arms, just like our first day of eighth grade, and head out the door.


When I walk into the school, I immediately look for my two other best friends, Lucas and Farkle. I see them standing by their lockers and make my way over to them.

I make eye contact with Lucas and my heart flutters. "Hi."


"Hi." We stand looking in each other's eyes for a moment, until Farkle breaks the tension.

"Hey Riles. Hey Maya. How's your first day going so far?"

"Well, I guess we're about to find out." Maya says with a sigh.

"What class do you guys have?" Lucas asks.

"History." The three of us say in unison.

"Just like old times." I say with a smile. We make our way into the classroom and sit in our usual seats. I look at my friends and smile. This year is gonna be great.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading. This is my first ever fanfiction so any good or bad feedback would be greatly appreciated! Sorry if it seems short, like I said this is my first time writing.

(april 1, 2016)

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