Chapter Five:Harry *Two days before*

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"Liam you're being ridiculous!"

"How is bringing a fan home and me being worried ridiculous?" Liam asked his face incredulous.

"Liam, it was one girl! Not a rapist! Damn you're making such a mountain out of a mole hill!" I was getting madder by the second.

"Harry, do you understand that you sleep naked?"

"Of course I do!"

"Do you understand the legal age of consent in Tennessee is 16?"

"No,"I scratched the back of my head.

"That girl was 15, Harry!"

"So, I didn't sleep sleep with her I just slept with her,"I tried to explain but Liam didn't want to listen to anything I had to say. It was like he was my mother scolding me for nothing at all!!

"Oh, I so believe that Mr. Styles!"

"I make one mistake on tour and you become my mom?"

"No, you make one mistake on tour and you make us all look bad and we all have to leave the US."

"You are so over dramatic sometimes, Liam!"

"No I am worried. Look, if you won't listen the I won't talk. When you finally come to your senses tell me,"with that Mother Liam left me in peace.

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