Chapter Twenty: Harry *From Pick up to drop off*

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Ali had long hair that was blowing in the wind as she climbed up the ladder. As she got closer i could see more of her features. She had almond shaped hazel eyes, a wide full lipped mouth,and a dainty nose just to put a cherry on top of the sundae. Her hair is brown and sort of wavy and  she has a curvy yet thin figure that looked very good in her stripped blazer and red skinny jeans. She was perfect.

We got to the house. As we walked in I looked at Ali,"Welcome to our hide out."

"Thanks. Where's Arin?"

"From what I can tell probably making out in Louis's room."

"Are you okay? Do you feel left out?"

He just reddened. "Where's Louis's room?"

"Down the hall to the right second door."


As, she walked off I couldn't help watching her go. She was the kind of girl you could really get along with.

Liam walked into the entryway,"Where's the girl?"

"Went to find Arin."


"Hey, Liam, Dibbs. Just by the way."

"What about your fan?"

"She just came over one time for a short time. One night stand sort of."

"Okay."Liam walked away.

I walked to Louis's room. Arin and Louis were there but not Ali. Arin and Louis were playing a video game and randomly kissing. Yup, I am lonely.

I walked to my room. Ali was there. I just stood in the door way. She was looking around and not for something just glancing like she was doing a puzzle.

"Anything interesting?'

"Umm, no not really. You seem lonely. No pictures. No notes. No nothing,"her slight southern accent was so adorable I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, all those are good for is getting home sick. So I have them in my phone."


"What about you?" I stepped through the door.

"What do you mean?"

"Family wise."

"It's just me, my sister, Alyssa, my brother, Avery and my dad, Chris."

"What about your mom?"

"My mom passed away five years ago. Her name was Stacy. She was really beautiful. You know, I still miss her. I always will, but honestly it was and will be the hardest thing I can go through."

"Now I know where you got your looks."

"Thanks." She blushed and I changed the subject. 

"What's your favorite video game?"

"Left4Dead or Fifa. I play Left4Dead with Arin and Arin sucks at Fifa."

"Yeah. Well, I don't and I have to say. You're....ON!!!"

"Oh no."

"What scared?"

"No I just can see you are a cocky little boy who needs to be put into place."

"Oh really?"

"Really, BRING IT!"

Ali and I hooked up the Xbox and started playing she was good. "DAMN!!" I put down my controller,"You beat me!"

"In your place now?"

We started laughing and then the mood changed as I looked her in the eyes. Man, they are beautiful. I leaned in and looked at her lips. A little closer..Almost a snog. "Harry. Ali You're here!"

It was Liam,"Damn you Liam," I was pretty pissed! I was nearly there.

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