Chapter Thirty-Nine: Arin

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Oh Gosh!!!! I am so stupid.  I just don't  know what to do... I am trying to get ready this morning and it's been hard.

"Hey baby." 

Louis walked into the bathroom,"Hey, Love."

"Louis come with me."

"Okay,"he snogged my cheek and walked behind me. I sat with him on the bed where just two weeks before we had made love,"I need to tell you something."

"What, Love?"

"I-I-I'm going home, Louis."

"But, you are home."

"No, Louis. I'm not and I can't pretend I am. I have to leave."

"But. No. We can. And you can't just leave I love you."

"And what? I should just wait until you leave for London and have you dump me for Eleanor. No Thanks. Louis, I couldn't have stayed forever."

"Yes you could've."We are both in tears by now and I can't stand it. 

"I have the limo. I'm going home today. Right after this talk..."

"No, Arin. I won't let you.'

"You don't have a choice."

I picked up my bag and walked out the door. That was the last time I planned on seeing Louis Tomlinson. 

Ali saw me and my bag as I was walking out,"Where are you going?



"No reason. Home sick..."

"Oh okay. Coming back?"

"Not anytime soon,"I started to cry as I ran out the door.

I couldn't help but hold my stomach on the way home. Would things ever get better?

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