Chapter Fifty-One: Louis

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"If you think it's soooo easy then YOU get her out of bed," I said to Mama Direction as he complained Arin needed to get up.

"I am saying you need to console her to get up, Louis," he groaned at me in reply.

"I've TRIED. She doesn't want to."

 As soon as i said this I heard a voice at the door. I turned it was Arin.

"Louis, I-I-I'm Dizzy," she fell down into a heap in the hallway right outside our room.

As I held her in the back of the car I couldn't help but cry. Is she going to be alright? Is she going to die?

All of these thoughts flooded me as I waited to arrive at the E.R. 

We all carried her in and had her and Liam and I escorted to a private room. The doctor came in.

"Hello, I am Dr. Callahan. This must be Arin Hester?" She laid her hand on the foot of her bed and grabbed her charts.

"Yes, she just said she was dizzy and passed out. We rushed her here." I replied hastily.

"Has there been a tramatic event in her life recently?"

"Yes, she and I just recently had a miscarrige."

"Has she been eating?"

"No. She wouldn't move from her bed."

"She is probably so malnourished that her body is shutting down. We'll get her hooked up to some fluids but I would like her to stay overnight."

"Anything just make her better," I grabbed her hand waiting for her just to open her eyes.

Those eyes that sparkled when we first met. Such childlike innocense. Now they were dull and lack luster. I wanted her back. 

Liam left the room silently and I leaned in and kissed her temple..... "Come back my love."

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