Chapter Fourteen:Arin

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I looked at my phone Louis was supposed to be her already. I looked around. Nothing. Nada. I hear my ringtone, It wasn't Me by Shaggy, and qqq!I check my phone. It was Louis.

"Look Up." Two words.

I looked around and, then, up. I laughed and covered my mouth..I texted Louis back,"You dork!"

He had a helicopter and he was waving hilariously from the window.

"I couldn't get a car I'd be swarmed!"

"True.How am I going to get up there?"

"A rope with me on it like at the end of the movie George of the Jungle..?"

"Can we not hit a tree. That would be really bad."

"You take all the fun out of things," he made a pouty face in the window and crossed his arms like he was three.

"Okay. Let's hit one and not a large one, please."

"Yay! Are you ready?"

"One second, I have to call Ali."

I dialed her number and called,"Hello?"

"Meow, Louis's here and he's in a helicopter."

"Awh. How cute!!"

"Yeah. He wants to hit a tree!!"

"Hahaha. What?!"

"Oh I'll explain later. I have to go on a date with Louis. Bye."


I pulled up Louis's texts and sent,"Bring down the ladder Mr. Jungle. I'm ready to swing."

Next thing I know all these girls are flipping out and I am on a ladder being flown by a helicoptor trying to get to a place where I can get on the actual Helicopter. "Eeeee!" I silentily scremed to myself. I was pulled in and was so happy I was wearing a belt with my cute shorts and my white blouse. Louis started to laugh,"Hello." I laughed as he gave me a little hug. We climbed into the seats and buckled up and put on the headphones so we could hear eachother."So, destination?"

"Rehearsal at the house,"he smiled,"the boys are going to be there to meet you also, if you don't mind?"

"I don't it'll be like hanging out with normal friends during Choir..."

"You're in choir?"

"Yep, at Loftis, where I go to school."

"And, you're a singer?"

"Yep, not to brag, but two solos says I might can do a little something."

He just shook his head and goes,"Mmmmhhmmmm."

I check my phone. I have a text from Ali,"How's everything so far."

I sent a picture of the ground so far below,"Hopes are high:)"

"Who are you texting?"

"Don't worry,It's just Ali wanting to know how everything is going."


"So far I haven't been sent through a wave of turbulance tumbling to the unforgiving ground, so I think it's a 10." I laughed.

"Well, I wouldn't let you fall anyways."

I couldn't help but blush.

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