Chapter Twenty-three: Liam

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They left and I waited until I knew they were out of ear shot but I had to make sure Harry didn't make an impression I couldn't out do.  They were in the rehearsal room. I could hear Harry singing and then...two voices? Ali was singing. It was beautiful. Absolutely spectacular.

I rushed to the door. I looked in. Harry and Ali's backs were to me and they were really close. The song ended and they shifted. I wondered if they noticed the proximity to each other. They said something and I guess they don't and the next thing I know it was too late. They were lip locked.

I didn't know what to do. I felt like they had just stolen my chance at a real love. Sophie. my head said her name but my heart said Ali. I had just met her but I didn't know why l couldn't be the one to have the girl this time? It was only fair. I mean, wasn't it. They just snogged over and over. I was enraged like Kokoum from Pocahontas. I was happy for them like Sabastian from The Little Mermaid but what trumped it all was the loss and desperation like  Nemo off of Finding Nemo. Yet, I was determined. I would trump Harry once and for all!!

*45 minutes later*

Ali came out of the rehearsal room blushing and her lips swollen from constant snogging.  I called her,"Ali, Hey, Can I talk to you?"

"Liam, Hey, Sure. What's up?"

"I just need to talk to you."

"Oh okay, Anything impeticular?"

"Yeah, a potential me and you."

"Um, what?"

"I really like you," I felt the words tumble out of my mouth. I didn't want it to come out like that.


"No please Ali I really like you and I really want you to  be mine, and I know Harry probably already has roped you in but just think about it?"

"That's what I was trying to tell you, Harry and I are dating."

"Oh,"I was still determined but broken,"Friends?" I out stretched my hand as in a truce.

She grabbed my hand and said,"Yes, that would be amazing."

I pulled her in and kissed her like there wasn't another moment in the world. I didn't even care when I heard Harry walk into the room,"Ali...LIAM!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" 

Ali jerked away from me. "Harry he just kissed me. I stuck my hand out to shake on being friends and he kissed me,"she let it all come about me kissing  her and her unwillingness. This wasn't going to be good.

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