Chapter Forty-Nine: Arin

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The Baby. Gone like my reason for sanity. Oh GOD!!! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!?! I did everything right and never gave up hope even when I gave up Louis

I was lying in bed my eyes giving all the water they had, were dry. My lips are cracked and my stomach empty.

 In both ways.

"Louis, " I croaked.

"Yes, darling?"He has been here with me. No matter how moody of bitchy I get... he's here.

"I'm so tired."

Oh, by the way. I haven't slept in days.

"Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"I can't. Our baby's gone."

"I know. I know."

My eyes drifted close and I felt Louis kissing my temple as I snuggled deeper into the abyss of numbness that spared me grief.

(I know it's short, but I'll make up for it later.")

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