Chapter Twenty-One: Liam

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I saw her. Long brown hair, smooth body. Perfect in every way. She was playing Fifa and kicking Harry's butt at it too.

"Damn!! You beat me!" Harry exclaimed and looked at Ali.

Ali said something I couldn't distinguish and then he leaned in ready to kiss her.

No this can't happen. Just no!

"Harry. Ali. You're here?"

"Damn you Liam!" Harry was pissed.

"Hey to you too!"

I extended my hand to Ali and helped her up," I'm Liam."

"I'm Ali. The recent champ of Fifa, and Harry didn't you say something about a tour of the hide out?"

"Yes I did Ali,"Harry turned to me,"Sorry Liam. I have to be a guide and you have to go text Sophie."

"Umm, Yeah I do.." I turned and scratched the back of my neck uneasily,' Well, nice to meet you Ali."

"You too," and with that she was gone off with Harry who was probably going to try to kiss her again.

"Right this way Miss Ali and I will lead you to the media rooma nd then the rehearsal chambers,"he faked an old gentleman of England act, Just like he faked a lot of things.

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