Chapter Thirty-Four: Arin

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  • Dedicated to Mary Praster, Nana, for the idea of the mall at 4 o'clock and bunny heads:) I lo

I wonder where we were going today? He was being so secretive and all he said was dress casual. He was wearing a Blue Blazer and Red Skinny Jeans and a Yellow V-Neck with his Blue Vans. He looked adorable. I chose a cute skirt that is navy blue with cream colored "V" looking birds and a cute baggy T-shirt tucked in with my yellow toed flats and a fedora that Ali got me for my birthday. We got to the copter and I hoped wherever we were going wasn't crowded.

We started to land but Louis had me blind folded. Okay, this is weird it hadn't been that long since we got into the helicopter. He got out and picked me up and sat me down beside him and the helicopter took off. 

"Louis, where are we?"

"One second." His voice sounded muffled even though he was beside me.

"Okay.' About a minute later I felt and saw the blindfold come away from my face.

"AHHHHH!!" I screamed,"Louis what's on your head?"

"A bunny."


"A disguise. Too many fans in ine place." He took it off, for now, if he had something to say about it.

I looked at my phone 4:00 exactly.

"Where are we?"

"Don't you know?"

"The mall?"

"Yeah. I thought you might like to shop."

"But it's closed."

"I pulled some strings,' he shrugged nonchelantly.

"I didn't bring my wallet."

"Hey, I brought you here. I pay."

" Louis, I can't let you do that."

"Yeah, You just won't."

"I'll work for it."

"Okay one snogg is worth twenty dollars."

"Wow, that's a lot," I laughed.

"Not for how much your snoggs are really worth. That's a bargin."

"Awh, Louis." I stepped over and kissed him lightly and just held on because the little experience with Eleanor made me realize he could leave so soon.


I laughed,"Only my Louis could make that manly."

He puffed out his chest,"And you know it darlin'." He tried a sounthern accent. Just hilarious. 

Our first big laugh was in F.Y.E when he pulled me in front of a stand up of Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler and he bent me back and did his old timey southern accent,"Oh, Arin I am going off to fight a useless war. I will love you forever kiss me?"

"Oh but Louis, you can't leave. I will just die if you were ever hurt my doll,"I put my hand up on his face and carressessed it," Please, Louis, stay home and love me?"

"Oh, if I can love you anymore I would my darlin'. I need to do this to find some kind of purpose in my life. Now, I can leave with or without that kiss."

I snogged him until my lips hurt. I snogged him like he was leaving for war,"Yipee Ki Ayyyeee!!! Thats what I call a kiss."

I just laughed as I leaned up until I vertical again. "Hey, you've gained forty dollars so far!"

"You dork!"

 I ran into HotTopic and ended up getting a Hello Kitty blow up chair for Louis's room and Left4Dead in the media room. Then, I got a new bell button ring. That was our second thing today. My belly button was getting pierced. It was OneDirection with Louis's face on the ball hanging on the end.

"What about a tattoo?" He asked.


"You want a matching tattoo?"


"Maybe a half of a ying-yang sign and I get the other half."

"I jumped into his arms,"We do complete eachother, don't we?"

"Perfectly." He snogged me sweetly.

Today was the best day of my life.

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