Chapter Seven:Eleanor *in the UK*

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"I am so mad," I was myself,"HOW DARE HE! I didn't do anything wrong!"

I know what to do.

I looked up Seventeen Magazine's number and got to work on my story.

*20 Minutes later*

I dialed the number,"Excuse me is this Seventeen Magazine?"

"Yes you are speaking to the Editor in Chiefs, Ann Shokets."

"Well, Ms. Shokets, I think I may have a story for you."

"Who is this calling?"

"This is Eleanor Calder, Louis Tomlinson's now EX-girlfriend,"I said snidely.

"I thought you were his girlfriend?"

"And that is your story Ms. Shokets. He has just recently called me on Facetime to announce our break up for one of his fans."

"Do you know this fan's name?"

"Nope. All I know is that she would have to be someone for him to dump me like a nobody!"

"Ms. Calder are you sure your information is accurate. Seventeen magazine has a reputation to uphold."

"I heard it myself, Ms. Shokets."

"Well, thank you Ms. Calder I will have my reporters be on the story soon enough. Have a nice day."

"You too,"I hung up the phone and walked out to go shopping for something to wear when the reporter came to talk to me.

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