Chapter Twenty-Nine:Ali

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Last night was hilarious. Harry was a complete and utter weirdo!!!! He kept his boxers on luckily.

It's 8:30 A.M. and I am up for some unknown reason. I wake up Harry.

"Good morning."


"It's 8:30," I said laughing.

"Are you crazy, love?"

"Nope, I hope you don't care."All the sudden he was flipping me under him.

"Of course not but you're going to pay for it." He started to tickle me and I started to try to get back from under him. We wrestled for what seemed like 5 minutes and I was running through the door and he was staggering behind me, laughing. 

I entered the kitchen and grabbed a pan ready for his attack but it didn't come.

"Sweetheart, you're not in Tangled you're in a kitchen." Harry was hugging me from behind.

"I know, you just were chasing me all sexy like."

"I know," he leaned down on my shoulder.

Author's Note: Hey guys. So this si it for today. We love you readers and I hope you know you mean so much to us. Duces Gooses)

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