Chapter Fifteen:Niall

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"THEY'RE HERE!" I yelled to the rest of my mates.

"Okay,"They similtaniously yelled back. We weren't all that excited about a girl being here during rehearsals.

Louis and Arin walked through the door laughing,"Hey guys!"

"Hey Louis," I said and then turned,"You must be the infamous Arin," I bowed laughing.

This sent the boys into hysterics,"Yep,and your Niall more famous and less formal, or so I hear."

"Yes and Harry, Zayn and Liam are in the kitchen now."

We walked into the kitchen and Arin noticed something,"Niall, there's only one fridge?"

"Yeah,"We were all confused.

"I thought you'd have your own. I mean because I assume you'd eat the whole fridge and leave these poor rascals hungry,"Arin explained.

"Louis, your lass is a joker."

"Your lad Louis?"

"Well Niall, I didn't say she was mine,"Louis blushed.

"Well Niall and guys, Lets just get this correct Louis is my Lass."

Harry laughed,"More like pain in the ass."

They laughed and Louis turned to me,"Come here,"I giggled and got ready,"No!"



They shot out of the room and down the hallway,"Well, there goes rehearsal!"

 We sat down and ate and debated whether we liked Arin.

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