Chapter Twenty-Four: Eleanor

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Eleanor's phone rang, it was the tabloids. She answered the the phone,"Hello?"

"Miss Eleanor, this is Ms. Shokets from Seventeen Magazine."

"Oh, Ms. Shokets. Why are you calling?"

"We have found evidence to support your claim against Mr. Tomlinson."

Eleanor was beyond mad,"Oh really?"

"Yes, and we did a background search on the girl."

"What'd you find?"

"She's from Tennessee, Her name is Arin, she's 13 and she is a straight A student in the Beta club, and in other organizations across Hamilton county."

"Thank you, Ms. Shokets."

"It was pleasure. I think this is a head liner."

"Yes, I believe so. May I remain Anonymous."

'Are you sure? I believe this is to good for animosity."

'Well, I just don't want too many papperazzi at my door, if you know what I mean, Ms. Shokets."

"I understand completely."

 Eleanor closed the phone. She didn't know this was true she just wanted some trouble. now this was personal. She dialed a number, her agent and chaperone.

"Hey, Haylee, I think we are going to Nashville Tennessee."

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