Chapter Forty-Five:Ali

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They have been back together for about a month now and I am sick of it,'Baby this and wedding that!' KILL ME!!!

I am so tired of looking at wedding dresses for a wedding in two weeks before Arin starts showing. I know I should be supportive but I just can't. 

"Ali are you okay? yOu have this evil look going on, Love."

"I'm just going to be honest. I love Arin but I can't do it anymore I need a vacation."

"Okay let's take one."

"Oh, Harry. I wish I could but-"

"But, you can I had already planned to tell you because I wanted to take you to a little secluded island off the coast of Rio."

"Oh my gosh!! Really?"


When can we leave?"

"Pack and let's go."

I started packing my bags and realized Arin had my bikini top and ran to her room,"Arin do you have my bikini top?" I asked as I walked in unexpectantly.

"Yeah in my drawer."

"Okay," I walked over and grabbed it.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I need some time off and Harry booked a vacation to Rio."

"Awh, how romantic! Will you be back in time for the wedding? Remember you are my maid of honor."

"Of course," I laughed a fake laugh," I just need some time."

"Okay, I love you have fun."

"Love you too," I am so happy to be out of there.

I walked to Mine and Harry's room and grabbed my pack and threw the bikini top in and ran. "Harry!! Are you ready?"

"He's in the limo,"I heard Louis say as he ran back to Arin with cookies. Oh dear Jesus. 


I got out to the limo and hopped in,"Harry, are you ready?"

"Yes. We have a plane to catch. You ready?"


We got to the airport and I couldn't wait I was practically jumping out of the limo and in the line an don the plane.

"Really we have security guards?"I asked Harry as I laughed at him practically flinching when he heard a girl scream.

"Do you want to be jumped?"

"I have told you before and I will tell you again 'I will break face' but only if needed."

"That's my girl," Harry bent down and kissed my head.

We heard a screech and then crying. "Okay, this is awkward."

"It gets even more annoying when it happens every day."

"Of course it does. I turned around and saw the girl bawling and I turned to the security guard," Do you have a tissue?"

He pulled out and handed me a hankerchif I started toward the girl. As I walked up to her I bent down," Girl, You have a celeberity out there. So don't die over just one. Especially, when one might be watching and that means you need to look your best so clean up your mascara and walk strong."


"Mascara and walk." I said simply.

She started laughing," Thank you."

I walked back to Harry and we got on the plane,"Maybe it won't be too annoying."

The plane ride was so dull I think I would rather gouge out my eyes with a spatula.

"Attention Passengers we will be landing in Rio in about Five minutes so please take your seats buckle up and enjoy your stay in this tropical paradise."

As I tried buckling we hit turbulance and I was in Harry's lap. He laughed," Someone isa scaredy cat."

"No. Just no, sir." I buckled and we laughed.

When we landed I jumped and ran for the door. "Ali, hold up, love."

"I can't. I just can't Harry."

"Haahaha, Okay, Love."


"Okay, find the sign that says ' Ali Styles'."

I stopped running and turned around,"Wha-" Harry was on his knee and people were videoing, "Harry quit joking what are you doing?"

"Tying my shoe."

"Okay well let's go and fast I wanna see the island."

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