Chapter Twelve: Harry *Morning after Concert in Nashville*

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I walked into the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of my favorite cereal, Crunchy Nut. Then, he walked in looking so smug and smart.. Who does he think he is? I had a right to do what I wanted to do, and he had no right acting like a mother to a newborn towards me! I felt rage engulf my very core,"Good morning, mother, where's breakfast? Did my report get finished for history?"

"Haha, Harry."

I was about to say something really smart like,"Yeah those are the only words you know," When Lou came in looking horrible, trust me I know when Louis looks horrible. I mean not only has he been my brother for the past like 3 years, and I have seen him naked, I know horrible when it comes to Louis.

"Dude, what blew up your face?" I asked kindly.

"Oh you know, Hare Bear, Staying up all night and Living the life."He said sarcastically.

"Well, it looks like you're in the middle of Czechslovakia during World War II."

"Well now we've established Harry has an IQ and a brain that it goes in, There's a bigger problem...Harry, why don't you tell Louis what you did the other night,"I swear Liam was getting itching powder in his underwear drawer tonight.

"Oh, Liam. It was just a girl and we just slept nothing else..Okay? I made her dreams come true just like she helped make ours get over it!!"

Louis looked around," Wait, Harry, you had a girl over the other day?"


"You do realize you sleep naked, right?"


"Okay, don't get those girls knickers you're probably wearing in a bunch."

"What?" I asked.

"I just don't think it's that big of a deal,"Louis shrugged like nothing was up.

"Finally, Granpa has arrived to tell Mum to sit down and shut up that it's fine."

I walked away before Mumzy could say another word. Why'd Louis agree with me?

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