Chapter Forty-Three: Louis

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She left as did my heart. She kept walking as I start-start to cry. She was my life line now it's cut and I'm cast away.

I kept writing music. Every hour I was sleeping or writing. Though sleep brought me to her, I didn't care. I just wanted to feel her in my arms. I couldn't eat and I felt weak enough to snap my own neck with the sharp turn of my head.

"Louis, we need to talk," Harry walked through my door.

" I don't want to."

'It's about Arin." This is an ambush effect of Harry Styles and his awkwardness.

" I really don't want to talk now."

"Louis she is doing this to protect your career. She thinks you'll resent her otherwise."

"What in bloody hell made her think that?"

" Insecurity? I don't know."

"Why would she leave to protect me? We just made love two weeks ago."

"Keep going."

"It was the first time I felt so connected to a person and I love her. We had fun but she and I didn't think about protection."

"And?" He must be trying to get me to realize something.


"And, she's pregnant, Louis. With your kid."

"Quit lying to me," I was outraged!

"I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. She's pregnant. With. Your. Kid."

"Where is she?!" I wanted to come to her. I needed to make sure.

"Her house somewhere in Tennessee."

"Find out where she lives."

"What? Why?"

"Harry get that head full of fluffy hair out of your ass and get her address and a limo to take me there!"

"Okay okay. Sheesh!"

I was flipping out and pacing the room when I had an idea. "Ali!!"

"What?" she asked as she walked into my room.

"I need you to go to a store for me. Get unisex wunzys and bottle and pacies. Anything Arin could use for the baby."


"Yeeessss??" Harry asked sheepishly as he walked into the room.

"Why the hell did you tell him?!" She was pretty pissed.

"Oh. About that..."

"She's killing you not me. "

"Okay." Well Louis here's her address. Ali I already thought if the 'suppiles' there in the room."

He handed me the paper and I ran through the door grabbing my phone and the bag from Ali.

Arin I'm coming. We'll be just fine. I promise.

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