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Their bonds grew by tears,
Their laughter rattled the seed,
Their memories incased within the leafs,
Their bad memories became the thorns alongside,
Their unbreakable friendship became the blood red luscious petals.

They became one by time,
Minds connected,
Hearts joined by the cruelty of this world,
Their problems became both of theirs,
Emotions tuned with one another,
Harsh times made them mourn together,
Joyful times made them smile together,
And betrayal broke them.

As a decade flew by the luscious red petals became dim,
It was cursed by lies, betrayal and secrets held from one another,
Ignorant to what has been happening,
The inseparable one became two once again,
Just as time brought them together he tore them apart as well.

No more were the strong stem of friendship that held them,
No more were the memories enough,
No more were their likes and fears that created them,
No more were their heart one as another stole her best friends heart,
No more luscious blood red petals as it turned brittle and fluttered away,
And no more were their bond.

Her eyes shimmered with pain,
She sacrificed her friendship for the one she loved,
Oh how horribly wrong she was to do so as he left her all shattered in pieces,
Her best friend,her sister saw the tears as it slithered down her chocolate sun kissed cheeks,
No matter their differences,
She took her in her arms and cried with her,
For they are the only ones that can banish one another's pain.

They sobbed for the mistakes made between them,
They trembled in each others arms as they shed years of secured tears,
Their tears were an indication of forgiveness,
At that moment, a friendship they thought had vanished,
Has been created by tears once more...


This poem is dedicated to PurpleDancer2000 who gave me the idea. Thank you :)

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

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