Writing is my passion

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Writing is my passion

I bury myself in my emotions,

Some believe it's a cage that holds you,

But I do not let it control me,

I use it to my command,

Like a sword wrenched from its sheath,

To only obey its weilder as it slays in its wake,

My heart is at the tip of my pen,

My page is my friend as I spill all my secrets,

Word after word I feel lighter,

Think of it as crying,

Pouring your heart out as you wail,

In my case its my hand,

Fluttering along the white sheet,

And releasing the agony my heart stores,

I marvel at how my heart can give colour to a page,

I keep these written pieces as trophies,

To gaze at them when ever I want to,

To I remind myself,

That the torture I endured was worth it,

For it taught me to fight harder,

To be stronger,

To be gentle,

To be myself,

To never forget where I belong,

To always believe in myself,

Writing is my passion,

Expressing myself on paper is my passion,

Giving life to words is my passion,

And I dwell within my love for it,

For writing truly makes me happy,

It's my place to wonder and not to have a care in the world,

Even if it's just for a moment,

Our passion makes us who we are,

Hold on to what make you happy.

This is a personal poem as you can tell :) it's all true. Every single word.

This poem is dedicated to MeisterRizu
She gave me this idea and I hope you like it:)))) and its probably not what you expected but I tried my best:) I do apologize for taking so long, I was kinda caught up with my studies...so yeah

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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