Apology letter

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Apology letter

Dearest mother and father,
War is upon us,
As you might know,
Battling the Scottish we are,
For tomorrow will be the last,
To conquer Scotland will be a challenge indeed,
A challenge every Englishman are willing to accept,
I am certain that suspicion had crept in,
As to the reason of this letter,
Knowledge that we no longer have any relation further than blood,
Unfortunately after many years of no communication at all,
This is a way I certainly had not envisioned that I will beseech either of you,
I deliver melancholy news,
My brothers Nathaniel and Aaron has fallen,
My best though I tried to rescue them,
Forgive me mother and father for failing you,
Tears had erupted from my eyes as I stared at their bodies my parent's,
My heart ached at the sight,
I will avenge them,
If I do not survive to see you once again,
I apologize for what wrong I have done,
For the pain I had inflicted in the past and the present,
The shoulder that I cried upon mother,
The hand that fed me father,
The ones that stood by me through my illnesses,
I had shoved aside like detritus,
Please forgive me mother and father for my insolence,
For my arrogance towards either of you,
For blinded I was,
No longer,
These deaths have proven that one have no longer to live,
And I for one do not want to be severed from this world,
Having knowledge of the unhappiness I had cause,
My deepest apology to the both of you,
I have taken the people that brought me into this world for granted,
Goodbye mother and father,
I sincerely hope you forgive me,
If I do not return to you breathing,
I will be awaiting your arrival in the after life with my brother's,
So long my parent's,
I may not have said this but,
I thank either of you for everything,
I love you mother,
I love you father,
This is goodbye.
Your eldest son,

This poem is dedicated to XxJEnYxX for giving me the idea ,please tell me what you think of it and if it's what you expected :)

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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