Night creatures

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Night creatures

Midnight see,
Midnight bound,
Creatures of the night lurk around,
Prey on the weak,
Meaty food they seek,
Eyes held hunger,
Growls prowling the air,
Stanza poist and proper,
The alpha led his pack to feast,
Pounced perfectly, jaws clamped,
Blood oozing out like a river,
Ears up in alert,
Claws exposed,guard up,
Proud, lean creatures of the night,
Worshipping the moon goddess's light,
Their hunger satisfied,
Their ears twitched at a horrified cry,
They sped in the direction,
Only to be met by a revolting sight,
A young pup's blood and limbs sprawled on the earth in site,
And five grinning Panthers with blood dripping from their previous kill,
The mother of the pup let out a blood-curdling howl,
Frightening the birds that flew away,
The others followed aswell,
For her loss and a loss of a pack member,
Rage filled their veins as they glared at the black abominations,
This will end in a disastrous bloodbath indeed.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

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Heeeeey!!!!!! So I thought that if you like my poems maybe I should make a book with all my English essays I had to write and post it in there what do y'all think? Or should I post it in here or not at all??????

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