Good always prevail

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Good always prevail

Every sunset,every night,
I count the day's as it pass me by,
Every hour, every minute,
Feels like years but only a second,
Every breath,every heartbeat,
Accelerate whenever our eyes meet.

The wind flattering the trees,
The quiver of water clashing of streams,
The sky is as clear as day,
Yet my mind is clouded and drifting away,
The chitter an chatter of birds in the air,
Hope to relish this moment and forget about the burden I bare.

I recall the day's when I was honest and sweet,
I was driven away from what is right by the Kings greed,
He ruled with a iron fist and cruelty,
Instead of kindness,love and honesty,
As much as I desire to escape his horrid place,
We were connected in many ways,
Not only I his ward and I wish this was not true,
We are blood related too,
It was exceptionally hard being a daughter of a king so vile,
Flashes of his horrendous ways always shattered my smile.

"For years I held my tears,
I'm ready now to face my fears,
I may not be like other females who has a mate,
But no matter what father,I will change me fate!
For years your reign has pore,
For I will put an end to it and no-one will suffer any more."

The dark void that enslaved my kingdom has passed,
I may have won this war but at the same time I lost,
In the midst of containing peace,
The love of my life was taken by the beast,
I have no time to wollow in my sadness,
My responsibility is to my people and their happiness,
I will be a ruler that is just and fair,
I wish you were here with me,the one that showed me how to care,
I hope I get a second chance at love,
It's extremely hard to find but only possible by the God above.


This poem is dedicated to Totga2816 for she had requested and I hope you like it :)

I do apologize for taking so long:)

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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