Don't let me slip

23 8 4

Don't let me slip

Ice freeze my heart,

For heat of touch has fired it,

The blazing is smothering the dark,

My spirit more alive than ever,

Baby imprint your story on my tongue,

Keep on whispering in my ear,

While I leave my gentle poems on your neck,

Tell me what I crave to hear,

You grasping me so tight that im rejecting my memories,

My heart clenched in agony of losing us,

Hold me tight before this disappear,

I dreamt of it exploding in the abyss of night,

Reason of the mistakes I created,

I crawled in my shell over and over,

Yet this time your hand gripped mine,

Preventing me from shutting the cage,

I screamed and raged for you to let go,

Your grip was firm and filled with care,

One look, one touch, one word,


You wouldn't let me slip,

No matter how hard I raged,

Why I do not know,

Im afraid of loving, 

For everyone leaves and gives up on me... eventually

For when I fall idiot,

I fall excessively hard,

No coming back,

No returning,

I am a handful and I'll keep on raging,

But once you let my hand slip for a second,

I will grasp my cage knob,

Slam it shut with a broken heart,

And there forever I will stay.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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