Nay we do not realize

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Nay we do not realize

Sixteen years of age,
A young music mage,
Her innocence drawn many in,
Her smile warmed even the cold stone hearts,
Many thought her life was heavenly,
Yet her hazel nut like eyes were scarred and revealed her maturity,
She've seen revolting things a young one such as herself should not,
Behind her armor was a distraught, desolate little girl.

Her mother was addicted to adultery, the white demon powder and toxic liquid,
She had her heart shattered and buried herself in an abyss that involved abominant doing,
Single mother, no relatives,no friends, who was she to turn to during her austerity?
At the time being the malignant items was the best option,
How pleasurable the sexual acts became,
How calm and relaxing the demon powder felt when it entered her body, it was like being on top of the world,
And not to forget the astounding toxic liquid that slithered down her throat in ecstasy,
That was her life for years with no end,
Including neglecting the only one that cared, her daughter.

For years she observed her mother,
Who is determined to kill herself inside out,
The cycle of abiding in forbidden doings never stopped,
Her childhood was destroyed because of this,
She grew up against her will to fast,
Her heart broke each time she witnessed her mother's horrid life,
Her mother seemed relished but she'd seen how dead and empty those eyes are,
How each time after those sinful acts she would wail in the dark all alone,
Not realizing that each tear sliced a segment of her daughter's soul.

The young one had no notion of how to help,
She knew deep down that he mother loved her but addiction overpowered,
She's done living this endless hell of torture her mother call a life,
She is not going to watch her mother sink herself into her own grave day by day,
She will not sit idly by no more,
She stood on her chair in her bedroom with a thick rope in her hands,
One end tied to her ceiling fan and the other in a hoop around her neck,
She kicked the chair away allowing the rope to sever her soul from her body,
Her heart stopped as she dangled there lifelessly.

Here lies Rebecca Nooley, beloved daughter,friend, kind person,
The shimmery crystal stone said,
The wind whirled around as the trees matched its pace,
The darkling sky screamed and wailed at the loss,
And so did the young ones mother.

Regret swirled like a raging storm in her damaged heart,
Tears fell down her flushed cheeks,
Her hands wrapped around her in a protective cage as her body shook tremendously as she weeped,
What has she done?
She was reckless in her acts,
She had one responsibility and that person is consumed in the earth,
She's an unbecoming humanbeing,
She have every right to condemn herself,
Her daughter sacrificed her life because of her,
She is not going to let her daughter's death go in vain.

What became of this world?
We yield'st into the temptation of gruesome acts,
Crossing our creed,
We ravish in swarthy behaviours,
We yearn after things we desire but cannot grasp,
The things we do have we languish in it,
Indulging in bad not only devour the rapturousness aswell as anguishing our loved one's.

Vexing those who care,
Nay we do not realize,
They are consumed in desolation of helplessness,
Nay we do not realize,
They sob their heart's out! For us!
Nay we do not realize,
All we have thats imprinted in our minds are malice thoughts,
But they love us needless to say,
But NAY we do not realize,
Until... It's too late.


This poem is dedicated to my wattpad bestie ;) jamz1233 who read it already and suggested that I post it

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

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