We'll meet again

111 33 26

We'll meet again

Every breath I took made me feel unsteady,
All the blood oozing out yet I'm not ready,
They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
I'm sorry my love but I cannot hold on any longer.

Is this what's it like to feel useless?
To wonder aimlessly clueless,
I'm a suffocating corpse,
My taker chuckles humorously without remorse.

My loved one's,tears stream down their visage,
My pale lifeless body for them a horrid image,
I wish this torture would pass,
For my phantom fading yet not lost.

I stand by and watch the scene unfold,
My body giving into the temptations of the cold,
His eyes held a murderous look,
By troth of revenge he took,

Rills of light the darkness fed upon,
As he focused on the journey he embarked on,
Not knowing that all I wanted was him,
For he is to headstrong on his kill.

The blood drained from my cheeks,
No more can my can my heart speak,
I'm fading away,
My image consoled with the wind day by day.

I wish I had the chance to say goodbye,
I hope once again your wings will rise,
One day my love, we will meet,
Like before at sunset by our creek.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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