Dark beings they are

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Dark beings they are

Malice thoughts,
Swarming in their minds,
Ablazed with hidden anger,
They initiated it,
Palsading their minds,
Abased by their actions,
Sordid they became,
Banished and blemished they are,
They were meant to be abolished,
Yet they bade amongst us,
Whispering abet's in our ears,
Abrading good,
And arise abominate doing,
Unravished were are minds,
They start rills and we make it colossal,
Unsmote we belief them be,
As we indulge in what they desire,
We do not realize how paltry they are,
Or belief they exist,
For they are like mist,
Demons they are,
That are cursed,
And attached to this world because of their wrong doings,
For they have no better matters to attend to than to make us a replica such as themselves,
Silent and insidious they are,
They are the evil that lurk amongst us,
Contaminating our minds with negativity,
Their voices echoing in our minds,
Slowly but surely...we yield'st into the temptation,
For thus portraits the weakness of man.


I dedicate this poem to @felidaefallon who kinda gave me the idea. You what I mean ;) and I hope this exceed your expectations:)

I would like to say thanks to all my new wattpad friends ;)
You know who you are ;)

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, comment and follow(I follow back :))

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