A new strategy

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A new strategy

Negativity my cage,
My light shines,
Then... its gone,
Sucked back into my prison,
While my chains heavy with misery,
My soul familiarised with its hold,
Yet time after time I will be set free,
For my heart to store enough oxygen,
To keep my weeping soul alive,
To experience the heat of light,
The joy siblings can grasp you in,
The love you receive once you allow it,
Faith and trust a parent hold in their eyes,
How this small gestures glows in my prison,
My door widens,
While I'm fed with false hope,
And my chains lightens,
My demons suddenly tightens it,
Snatching the gleam of light that peeked,
Returning to the state I seem to remain in,
A new kind of light shimmers,
Through a tiny gap in the bricks,
A new strategy that screams success.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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