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Catch me when I fall?
How absurd of me,
Ofcouse you will not,
Besotted I am with you,
But not vice versa,
My heartstrings are dangling pleached at your tips,
For leery I was not,
Your luring deep blue eyes swallowed me in,
Grasping my entire being inside,
Your eyes swimming with edged emotions,
Like the ocean that clashes violently on the sandy shore,
Your lips as tempting as ever,
Your voice uttering the endearment I admire,
Sustaining my undying love deep inside,
Pure hot fury serged through my veins,
This pain is ablazing,
Vision tinted red,
My green eyes elapsed with malice intentions,
This feelings,jealousy,rising as I see you with another,
And again,
And again?,
Fool me once shame on me,
Fool me twice good for you,
Fool me thrice?
The white fluff in the sparkling blue sky,
Fluttering off in its own story,
The wind caressing my hair,
As the slight sprinkles of water from the waterfall kiss my cheeks,
My bare feet crunching dried twigs and leafs,
My eyes shut,
As I feel my heart beat slowing down,
Da dum,da dum,da dum,
It went till, it was gone,
I embraced death as an old friend,
Kissing his cheeks and letting him in,
For my heart was dead emotionally and physically,
No more pain,
No more hurt,
Relief slowly emitted through me as I fell lifelessly from the waterfall,
Goodbye my love, I hope you mourn as I did,
Even if I never lost you,
But it felt so,
For I am ripped from this world,
For I am finally free of my prison.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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