My Soldier

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My Soldier

My dear soldier,
Your signature upon my heart,
Your smile etched in my dreams,
Your touch scorch my skin in ecstasy,
Your lips are my healers,
Your embrace is my protection,
Your play of words captured me,
Your voice entranced my soul,
Your love is like melted chocolate on one's tongue,
Strong and rough yet gentle,
Brave and courageous you are my love,
My heart had yearned for you then as it does now,
My soldier, I wish you had not gone,
But I know that our country need you more,
I have a feeling you shall be victorious,
As you have been many times before,
I relish in the thought that you fight to return to me,
Yet this time shall be not quite like the others,
For I am with child,
I do hope that this letter give you more determination,
Please do return my beloved,
I shall clean all your wounds,
As you had done for me,
My soldier, my companion, my husband,
I believe in you,
Win...conquer this war my love,
Forever and only yours,
Elliana your wife.


This poem is dedicated to jamz1233 aka my wattpad bestie :P
She gave me this idea and I hope you like it:)))) and that it is atleast what you expected:)

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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