The host

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The host

Tears filled with stricken hope,
Becoming one with the white sheet,
Thoughts are slammed by a boulder,
The organ of love in turmoil,
Pumping the painful impact through the veins,
Travelling to the entire body,
The cycle continues,
Aching as lightning slice through,
Thoughts and Love brawling,
Wailing for victory as swords clash,
Thoughts sadly pierce a spear through Love,
Love stood up and grasp the other end,
Thrusting it in the heart of Thoughts,
They both crumble to the ground,
With the havoc surrounding them,
They closed their eyes and gave their final breath,
Or so they thought once again,
They woke up to be healed but not completely,
Being forced by an unwilling force,
To fight against one another,
Again, again and again,
Sadly the cycle never ends,
And continue instead,
The impact of these two affect the host,
Yet there is none that anyone can do no more.

I hope you like it :)♥♥♥♥

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