Don't back down

63 22 7

Don't back down

The sky is a calm shade of blue,
Unlike my mind which is clouded,
The birds are chirping,
As my soul is weeping,
The trees swaying in the gust of wind,
Yet I feel paralyzed.

Do you hear it?
The phantoms of many lost souls screeching,
Begging, wailing for help,
Many unjustified,
Most beseech me,
What can I do?

I am as lost as they are,
My heart ripped,
My soul torned,
Help? I cannot provide,
To mend another together I am unable,
For I had not succeeded to do so for myself.

Can I?... Can I succeed?
They do say success is only achieved by trying,
Along the way I could improve myself,
As I help others,
What 'if' I fail?... What 'if'?
My insecurities like an anchor upon my shoulders.

Time and time again I fail,
Yet I recover,
Life teach as that,
Life can bitch slap us a thousand times,
But we gather up the strength to stand up and say,
'AGAIN!',ready to try and this time...succeed


This poem is dedicated to my new friend Rosalia(in my class) who gave me the inspiration on this one. Thank you :)

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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