War of the heart

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War of the heart

Your enticing emerald green eyes have a tenancy of capturing me in its deep depths,
My body is tensed and without knowing I was holding my breath,
Every move I make is controlled by my ridiculous lovestruck heart,
There are strings wrapped around her and you do not know that you are the one that's pulling it,
Why had my heart fall under the fingertips of a mindless git,
Do you have any idea what you're doing inside me?
I loathe this idea of being controlled yet my heart wants me to let it be,
She get ecstatic at one simple touch,
Just hearing your sweet voice turns her to mush,
She may love how she is under your spell,
I am the one in charge while she should stay put in her cell.

The smell of the ocean slams me full force,
How I wish my muppet master could relent on his cause,
The endless black sky showing off its stunning stars,
As I hope to forget my taunting past,
Beautiful little lighting bugs encased the air,
I want to rip my heart out and get rid of this feelings I bare.

I recall the first day we met,
My ice-cream accidentally sprawled across your white t-shirt had resulted in me flushing red,
Your cold,intimidating look froze me into place,
Your arms wrapped around me in a protective cage,
That day you had souly accused me for the mistake that was created,
Even though I was seething with unpent anger,this mishap had to be mended.

This feelings towards you are unexpected,
I'm afraid of sharing it and end up rejected,
My heart beats me up day and night,
I cannot allow myself to give in even if it feels right,
How can I let these bizarre feelings free if I'm not sure that you feel the same,
I wish this love for you leaves as quickly as it came.

What if she wails and buries herself in an endless abyss,
That's one thing I cannot risk,
I will not let us go through another heartbreak if I can prevent it,
The previous one has not been erased yet,
Maybe he could close this gaping hole in my heart,
And forget of my dark past and restart.

NO! This is all his fault!
I wouldn't be in this impasse war with my heart,
His feeding her with his impeccable loving charms,
And caressing her in his unpredictable arms,
I had no choice but to lock her in a cage,
And I'm trying to stop this mindless git from escaping my maze,
She's raging and hammering to get out,
My chest hurts from her endless bangs and shouts.

Crack!Crack! The cage is abrading away,
She's finally free and screams in victory,
She's done being in the backseat and enthralled to be the host,
She does not care of the consequences if everything goes astray,
One thing she is certain of is that the heart always get its way.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

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xoxox Mystery

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