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Do you feel this?
Because I do,
I made one single mistake,
I should be the better person and apologize?
But I'm frightened that you'll reject me,
Why can't I forget?
Can't I just wake up one day and meeting you was just a happy/painful dream?
Why does the world hates me so much,
I'm human for crying out loud!
We make mistakes and pay for them in ways you do not know,
Confronting someone is having the courage to,
Yet not knowing EVERYTHING while doing so is utter stupidity,
Go ahead call me childish and immature,
I was blinded by pain that I thought was healed,
But never had,
Tears streaming down my visage,
As I stare in the mirror at my image,
Puffed red eyes,tear stained cheeks,
This is the weak girl I thought I left behind,
The one I thought was gone,
The sensitive, fragile little girl was deep down but not gone,
I wish it was, but wishes don't come true,
Like how I wish to knock my head and wake up with amnesia,
To forget the day's when we first started out,
How we fought, how we laughed, how WE cried,
Sadly there's no 'WE' any more my chocolate friend,
We were like fire and ice,
They say opposites go well together,
Maybe that was the problem,
We were too different,
Have this happened for a reason?
Was it destined that our 'Always and Forever' were to end?
How our friendship blew with the gust of wind,
POOF! Gone it was,
Everything happens for a reason right?
Was there a specific reason as to why?
Maybe we'll never know but do remember this,
Whatever happened,
Your secrets will remain with me,
And aswell as our memories,
Even if I wish to forget,
It's just because I'm hurt beyond repair,
Because I can't bare to feel like this when I think of you my closest friend,
We built eachother,we grew together,
Our 'Always and Forever' has exploded to smithereens,
Now forever apart,
So long old friend...


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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