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Bitter start but hopefully a better end,
For years we tried but never mend,
It all began with you pulling my hair,
A naughty boy who couldn't play fair,
The next thing I knew I began mauling at your face,
You screeched like a girl making the boy population a disgrace.

As we grew everyone knew the hatred we bare,
What was unknown to all, that our friendship will begin with truth or dare,
"I dare the two of you to go on a date alone",
Said my rivals best mate in a hidden tone,
Negative responses erupted from the both of us,
We exchanged rejected glances as we made a fus.

Dusty pink slammed across the sky,
The wind mingling with the sand as it pass by,
Pitter and patter of clouds here and there,
The water clashing violently on the shore and slithers back leaving the sand bare,
Little diamonds popping out of nowhere,
As the sun falls to sleep leaving the moon in its place.

My nemesis expression merged into one of anger,
He exclaimed he's distress which led me into calling him a crazy wanker,
Our banter when back and fourth,
Our fury matched till mine risen more when he called me short,
My temper fused as I pounced at his irritating handsome face,
He dodged like a pro,
And kept me firm in tight hold.

He laughed at my ridiculous attack,
My feet kicking the air as a failure act,
I went still as his warmth consumed me,
Warming up my chilled body,
His hold became an embrace,
As he pulled my small frame in a protective cage.

These feelings I'm feeling are foreign,
How can I like the boy who put a frog on my hair,
The one who claimed that he doesn't care,
Yet this feels right,
Could our future be bright?
A life with my enemy as a friend damn that's a doubt alright.

Instead of recoiling that day at my nemises actions,
My thoughts were broken when I realized I was having a contraction,
My husband,my best friend,my enemy has been by my side through it all,
Even when I screamed incoherented words as I recall,
He still stood by my side,
Since the first day our lives collide.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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